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Still Baffled on Installation and Order of Scenery Levels

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Despite using the insertion point tool, my scenery library is hopelessly scrambled and I'm having a lot of problems with certain scenery, e.g. Dublin Airport, which only has jetways--no other models. Your kind assistance will be appreciated. Number 28, LOWW is still my last non-default scenery. See also apparent double entries, e.g. ENAL at 25 and 31.


See the bottom of this mess to find the message that shows up when I try to start P3D.


EDIT: I also have Orbx Trees showing as both themselves and "Scenery." Yeah, I've really hosed it up.





More Orbx entries.




And some more.




And, finally, this:



Screenshot 2020-11-12 192238.jpg

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I had this problem where the order was splattered throughout like this, I can't remember if I fixed it with my next suggestion, if it didn't then i think if scenery layers are in the external library it doesn't really matter where they appear in the Scenery Library as they are treated differently by the sim.


Anyway, the Airports and Regions originally appeared as insert below Top of Scenery Library, I then created an Addon Scenery folder in the P3D Folder and put a Scenery And Texture folder in there, and grabbed a single meaningless file from another scenery for each folder (probably not necessary) and then directed Orbx Central to put the Airports and Regions under the Addon Scenery.


If you go to your Scenery.cfg file you will see that none of the external library sceneries are in that file.  I see you have put a library file as your insertion point: LOWW.  I don't think that will work.  Try putting it below an entry in your Orbx folder scenery, the OLC EU (1) scenery might be a good place to start.


You can also see if the freeware Scenery Config Editor can help you to sort out that Vector Entry, I used it to clear up something similar in mine.  It will also show you much more clearly your Scenery.cfg entries and you can ignore the P3D Scenery Library list, just use the Scenery.cfg and the Add-Ons to manage scenery problems.

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the greyed out entries are those for products that have been installed as add-ons.

The white entries are those for products that have been installed as scenery library


Where you have both is a sign of outside interference.

You should never have a white scenery library entry for a product that was installed

into an Orbx Central Library, but you do.

Once you start using the add-ons installation method, the scenery library order is less

important than whether or not the products appear correctly in the simulator.



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2 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


Once you start using the add-ons installation method, the scenery library order is less

important than whether or not the products appear correctly in the simulator.




Thanks for the reply, Nick, but I'm afraid  I do have problems with scenery, including Orbx scenery. "Outside interference" is a little vague to begin to help me troubleshoot. Since the Insertion Tool wasn't helpful, perhaps you could suggest a solution. I'm new to P3D and do find it baffling how I've got some scenery installed into the P3Dv5 folder, some outside in a folder I made and named "Orbx" (although it accumulated other stuff, too). Some airports are just gone--vast wastelands. Others have only the jetways. Some work perfectly, including SODE. Frankly, I am nervous about the way P3D seems to shift things around whimsically. If I lose my dog the first place I'm going to look is C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\SimObjects\Animals!


"Outside interference" could logically include the insertion point tool itself, with all due respect, since it is moving things around and locking them into place on its own. I'm not pointing fingers--I don't know enough to do that--I'm just following the logic. I've also got scenery installing/depending on SODE, which is new to me, but the documentation is really weak and that seems like "outside interference," too. Then there's GSX, and they say they can never be the problem of anything. Nonetheless  it's another "global" program running on top of P3D.


It's not like I'm the one moving anything around manually, or messing with my scenery order. (I did do that at first, but was advised to use the insertion tool, which worked at that time.)  Last time I asked, the scenery order was all-important, which was why I had to use the tool. This time I seem to be hearing it doesn't matter that much as long as everything looks fine. I'm not trying to be argumentative here, and appreciate your time and effort. But I need more help than this.


If the whole point of this magic XML doesn't-matter-where-you-put-anything scheme is to make things easier I should think there's a file somewhere that called "scenery.cfg" or something that I could delete and then just let P3D recreate it. I realize that's probably too good to be true. The next thing I might think of is to manually adjust all the scenery by moving things up and down in the Scenery Options until P3D was happy, but I don't know the order. I guess I could uninstall all scenery and reinstall it, which would be a pain, but I may not have a choice. If I have to do that, what is the correct order? 


I suppose I would uninstall the Orbx global sceneries/Europe LC first, since, honestly, that is my prime suspect at this point. Not the scenery itself, but the fact that so many of its entries are scattered/duplicated.


The last time I was here asking, I was advised to use the insertion tool, and I did, and it worked. Now it doesn't. And it looks like I have multiple entries for Orbx scenery, both white and greyed out. How does "Orbx!OpenLC_Europe1" get installed as both scenery and an add-on? (See 35 and 36)? 



Timothy Capps



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Hello Timothy,

can you attach a copy of both your scenery.cfg file and your add-ons.cfg

file please?

You will find them both at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5.

Please make a copy of the whole file and attach it, don't just copy and paste the contents.


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I would suggest that you delete your scenery.cfg file.

Open P3D and it will create a new and default one.

Visit the in game add-ons menu and activate everything but don't add anything to the scenery library.

Then close P3D.

Open Orbx Central and set the Insertion Point at the top of the library, with the

openLC entry just below it.

Wait for the blue notification to turn green, then close Orbx Central.

Open P3D, go to one of your problem airports and see how it then looks.

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can you now delete that scenery.cfg file and follow the request that I posted please?

By the way, there is an add-ons.cfg file.

If they are not easy to distinguish, visit the View settings in your Windows Flie Explorer

and untick "Hide extensions for known file types".

Then you will be able to see all the file extensions and tell them apart.

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Thanks for the suggestion, but that didn't help. The scenery library was adjusted some by use of the insertion point tool; please compare with previous. The BA L1011 is at EIDW, flat, but please compare with the CS L1011 at LEPA. In the FWIW department, I have two addon.cfgs: one in P3Dv5 and the other (with much fewer entries) in the AppData subfolder. I also notice a couple of Orbx Backup configs in the P3Dv5 folder, one for scenery and the other for terrain. There is also an Old Scenery config file there but how it got there I don't know. Note that I can't see any config files in P3Dv5 using the normal folders window (show hidden enabled) but only when I open Notepad++. I can only see config files in the AppData subfolder.



Orbx Central after following suggestion (above)



New Scenery List (above)



EIDW (above)



LEPA (above)


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I have two EIDW entries: one in Addons and one in Scenery, such as "MK_EIDW" in Addons and "Dublin Airport" in Scenery. In fact, I have multiple instances of the same. Is this an issue? Is the Insertion Tool looking at the Addon config or the Scenery? Because some third-party addons aren't even showing up in it, so it's difficult to know what the lowest one is. Does it matter?


EDIT: Mixed results. Some appear fine, some aren't there at all, some are partially there (!) and it appears some jetways might be missing. But, clearly scenery order is the problem. Whether the Insertion Tool can fix everything or not remains an open question. Looking forward to more feedback.

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can you do this please:




I would suggest that you delete your scenery.cfg file.

Open P3D and it will create a new and default one.

Visit the in game add-ons menu and activate everything but don't add anything to the scenery library.

Then close P3D.

Open Orbx Central and set the Insertion Point below the lowest of your other developers' add-ons, with the

openLC entry just below it.

Wait for the blue notification to turn green, then close Orbx Central.

Open P3D, go to one of your problem airports and see how it then looks.



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I followed your instructions. There's been some progress, but far from back to normal. Jetways are missing everywhere, a previously fine scenery from another developer, LEBL, is missing everything except the tower, and there's an anomaly at GCTS. Thank you for your patience. I'm attaching the current scenery and add-ons config files. (Which for some reason I STILL can't see using the folder despite having everything unhidden!)


scenery.cfg add-ons.cfg

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My bad on jetways, anyway. I hit the restore button on SODE and am checking the airports one by one and so far they have jetways. Please don't say that my picture above shows a massive new expansion underway at GCTS. I feel dumb enough for one day already.


This looks weird, but otherwise Dublin looks okay.


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