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Default Jetways at KSBA Santa Barbara

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  • 7 months later...

I think this scenery was, unfortunately, meant to have the default jetways.  Now, that the sdk has evolved, it would be nice if Orbx would include custom jetways in a patch.  The default jetways look horrible, tbh.  

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Any word from Orbx if we can expect an update with custom jetways?  The official product page banner shows an airport with beautiful custom jetways:2920DAB5-6CEF-4926-8B9D-0DE5E8E7B3B5.thumb.jpeg.ad76d89512ea53d84640a65cddd44408.jpeg


But, then when I load up the sim, I’m greeted to this:



I would expect a brand new MSFS edition to be an upgrade from the old P3D/FSX version, not a downgrade in this regard.  At the very least, please update the banner on the product page.  This is a very deceptive tactic, as it is not the product the customer is getting.

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