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Poor ground textures - TrueEarth GB South

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I was hoping you guys could help.

Re-installed this 4 times, and checked all autogen settings etc and this is the best ground texture resolution  I'm getting.

The question is, is this what it really looks like or am I doing something wrong? My old London used to look way better without it  


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The photoscenery in your screenshot looks very blurred. It looks a lot sharper than that in P3Dv4.5HF2 on my PC. You also seem to be missing huge amounts of autogen. What is your system specification (CPU/GPU/RAM etc)? What settings are you running TrueEarth GB South at (autogen density/texture resolution etc)?

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3 hours ago, Christopher Low said:

What is your system specification (CPU/GPU/RAM etc)?

Hey, here it is:

CPU Intel i7-6700K

GPU: GTX 1070 8GB


3 hours ago, Christopher Low said:

What settings are you running TrueEarth GB South at (autogen density/texture resolution etc)?




2 hours ago, bvdboomen said:

Since you're flying in a jet, I suppose your airspeed is a bit too high for P3D to catch up with the scenery?

Or do you experience the same in slow aircraft?

Unfortunately happens on small airplanes as well :(

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5 hours ago, olek.kowaluk said:

Unfortunately happens on small airplanes as well

Sorry to hear.

Looking at your settings, I see that you have your Target Frame Rated set to "unlimited".

Maybe you can try this setting on 30fps. It is known that P3D uses the free FPS space to load scenery faster.

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