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Australia v2 - Abrolhas Islands off the coast of Western Australia


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30nm off the coast from Geraldton and 50nm north/south, the Abrolhas islands are almost completely missing in AUS v2, yet they lie within the AUS v2 bounds. There are 2 dirt strips on Rat and East Wallabi Islands. This area is a major cray fishing and marine area.

Is there any chance they could be included at some stage?




I posted this back in June in the 'Community Airport, POI requests and photo submissions' but almost no one reads those entires it seems.


Thank you very much for considering this.

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Hi Trev,


not sure what you mean by "the Abrolhas islands are almost completely missing in AUS v2" as the islands are all present, as far as I can tell by comparing with Google Earth. It's a landclass-based scenery so there isn't much detail to each island, and the dirt strips aren't included.


I can have a look what additional data are available, perhaps low-resolution satellite imagery for the surrounding reefs, but can't promise anything at this time.


Cheers, Holger 

AUv2 - Abrolhos Islands in TMFViewer.jpg

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Thanks Holger.

What shows in the sim is esentially 0 elevation and no reef, where a lot of the islands rise up to 20-30 ft or so and surrounded by significant reef.

Low res reef PR would be fantastic as this is the main  feature.

Appreciate anything you can do for us.


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