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Possibly Failing GTX 260 216 Video Card

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I haven't been happy with my GTX260 for a while now and I suspect it's failing.  Symptoms:

In all sorts of autogen I get flashing artifacts.  Bits of scenery momentarily flash blank, for just a fraction of a second.  Artifacts flash, sometimes it'll be a shape pop up too quck to identify, other times the whole sky will blank for a fraction, occasionally it seems the whole frame outside the window will blank out for a couple of frames.  Doesn't affect the interior of the plane, just the scenery.  Rapidly moving scenery or head turning brings it on, but haphazardly.

Over the last few days I have also seen a couple of new events:  the screen slowly fills up with white dots until about 50% of the pixels are affected.  Happened again last night.  FSX was the only app affected, the desktop and Photoshop were fine.  Exited FSX and went back in and still the same.  Re-booted pc and the problem had gone.

Now before all the troubleshooting suggestions start rolling in, I have tried all of the NVidia drivers available.  Makes no difference.  The Smart Doctor monitoring tool shows temperatures in the mid-40s and tells me the video card is working fine.  I have tried both my PCI-E 2.0 slots, no difference.  I have tried underclocking and overclocking the card, no difference.  I don't have bufferpools or any of the other tweaks installed as they have zero effect on my fps.

So it seems something in the system doesn't like FSX.  My guess is it's the card but does anyone know of any other cause for occasional flashing in FSX scenery but in no other program? 

EDIT...  I wonder if the power supply is delivering current through the connectors?  That might cause these symptoms?

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EDIT...  I wonder if the power supply is delivering current through the connectors?  That might cause these symptoms?

The power supply COULD definately be the culprit. Once upon a time I had similiar graphical problems, and I spent days troubleshooting the video card after eliminating all software possibilities. After swapping in a different video card of the exact same make and model (they were EVGA 8800 GTX Ultra's) to no avail, I finally decided that it might be the PSU. I swapped in a different PSU, problem solved, BOTH video cards worked fine.

So, YES, you might want to look into the PSU as a possible culprit here.

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No, I don't think is the PSU. I have the same card as yours and get the same symptoms sometimes but only when using BP=0. Raise your BP to at least 500000 and you'll get rid of the artifacts.

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Ta for the bufferpools tip, I tried bufferpools in the past and nothing seemed to work and all I got were autogen spikes in PNW.  Will try that setting.  Do you have yours set to anything in particular? The power situation was solved straightaway, unlike previous cards this one will not even allow a boot up into BIOS without the power supplies plugged in!

Will report back...

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Wow... this very interesting as I have been having the exact same problem... GTX260 and only recently, getting graphical artifacts, glitches and crashes.

The longer I run the sim for, the worse it gets to the point of crashing.

Dare I still changing views and panning, this really makes it have a paddy!

I wonder if a GTX400 series card will solve these issues...

See this thread on this too


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Added bufferpools 500000 and problems seemed to have gone except for a couple of water flashes, went to 560000 and all seems well.  Flew from Newcastle all the way into Bankstown and Seattle north to the Everett Field and then all that east to the edge of PNW with essentially no spikes or artifacts.

However I won't count my artifacts until the golden goose has come home to hear the fat lady sing if you know what I mean.   

But I recommend you try the 500000+ bufferpools fiftysix.

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I been trying allsorts of BP settings including 500000.

Its BP=0 that was giving me the problems but since removing it, problems gone. Only I use to get a solid 25fps - 20 minimal with BP=0... now im getting average, 19fps, sometimes dips to 9fps!

It's a little coincidental that alot of people are reporting the same problem as this only recently within the last month or less..

All was fine until I installed the latest nvidia driver....

hmmmmm  :-\ :-\

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