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Verify Files


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Currently doing a fresh install of P3D v5.

When installing any scenery via Orbx central, every download comes up with a 'Errors encountered whilst installing this product'


It suggests to verify the files it installed.

I did this, but it still comes up with these errors.


Doesn't matter what product I try, all give me this problem.


Any ideas on how to fix?


Kind regards,


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Hi Doug,


Did as you suggested, but no joy. Initial install comes up with Errors encountered during installing this product.

However, doing the check files after this doesn't give me this error.


It's still weird to me that the initial download fails partially, and I need to do the check files.

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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @stef_1993


To clarify, did the process complete after verifying files and is the product working?


If not, can you attach your central.log file so we can look into this further for you?

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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @stef_1993


There can be instances where anti-virus software locks a file, a download is interrupted due to network issues or something else, triggers an error in the installation process. In early versions of Orbx Central we had feedback that because our products can contain thousands of files and be several GB in size users would put their downloads on overnight. If one of these errors occurred early in the process this would cancel the install entirely causing frustration, especially if the install was tens of GB in size. Because of this feedback we opted to have Orbx Central reattempt a few times then skip over any files that may error during an install and notify the user at the end of how many files failed. In this way the installation continues through errors and installs as much as possible, then notifies the user to perform a 'verify files' at the end to reattempt any files that may have failed during the initial run. This shouldn't be a regular occurrence and if your encountering this notification warning after every product installation this would signal that there might be an issue somewhere.



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@Josh Koz


What I now have done is, completely reinstall windows.


Apparently my system had a couple of corrupt files on them, which also made my downloads wonky for some reason. Think it had a virus or something on it, so I hope it's now fixed.


Will install v5 tomorrow including Orbx, and will get back to you if the error still occurs

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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @stef_1993

When installing Germany South it appears that 49104 out of 49127 files correctly downloaded and installed but error occurred for a few of the chunks of files.

2020-09-22T07:42:59.052Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\stef_\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx\temp\octemp\chunks\e8767b84-d0da-4154-b7a1-1ac0d6fcfa85.c.zip
2020-09-22T07:42:59.635Z [INFO] [Saturn] - System.IO.IOException: The decryption operation failed, see inner exception.
2020-09-22T07:42:59.635Z [INFO] [Saturn] -  ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80090330): De opgegeven gegevens kunnen niet worden ontsleuteld.


This error appears to indicate that for some reason one of the zip files can't be decrypted and extracted. This could mean that the file didn't download correctly and was corrupted or that there was an issue with your PC securely downloading this file. If this was a temporary error then a 'verify files' should download and install the remaining ~20 files

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