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Static interference


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Hello, here's my latest problem.

For starters i'm getting this message come up after about five minutes of flight saying "display drivers stopped working and have recovered". Cannot find a rock solid solution for that anywhere.

Another problem i'm getting is the screen going all staticky like someone has turned on a vaccuum cleaner but it's something to do with the graphics card no doubt, either the current drivers out at the moment are buggy (197.45) or there's something really wrong with my graphics card which I doubt at this early stage of the computers life.

Also, once I get this static stuff, I quit out of flight sim and there are still little white dots sparsely flickering on the desktop, even a refresh of the desktop doesn't fix it.

Attached is a pic of what I mean

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Hi smurf!

I too am experiencing this same problem!  I have the same driver!

I went into device manager to try and roll back the driver but that option is not available!

Hopefully someone can help us with this issue!  It's very weird!


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Try this fellas:

1) Download the last driver set from nVidia / ATi for your computer.

2) Download Driver Sweeper from here: http://downloads.guru3d.com/Guru3D---Driver-Sweeper-%28Setup%29-download-1655.html

3) Download CCleaner from here: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download

4) Uninstall your current video drivers via the Windows Control Panel

5) Run Driver Sweeper, search for your driver type (nVidia or ATi), and clean all files. Repeat 2x.

6) Run CCleaner and choose Run Cleaner.

7) Reboot

8) Run Driver Sweeper and CCleaner again

9) Install drivers that you downloaded

10) Run CCleaner again

11) Reboot

All should be well and you will have a clean set of drivers for your video card. I hope this fixes your problem!


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I too experienced this problem, and in MY case it was due to the [bUFFERPOOLS] USePools=0 tweak.  Deleted that tweak from my FSX cfg, and problem went away. I first thought it was an actual problem with my video card, as would be expected, but after I swapped in a different video card the problem persisted until I got rid of that tweak.

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Both very interesting comments from pmanhart and Sniper31

Think i'll reinstall drivers as suggested in that order and also take out the BP tweak... hopefully, will save me a few ££s spending on a new card..

Thanks for the info guys

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Same drivers, same problem here. Yesterday I deleted fsx.cfg to have it freshly rebuilt. So far so good but it's still too soon to draw any conclusions.

Best regards,

Juan Andres

P.S. I'm using the bufferpools=0 tweak and nothing else.

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wow... just deleted the BP tweak and absolutly no more of the graphical artifacts.. no more crashes and smooth simming all the way!

Only slight trade off is a slight loss in FPS but ill get round that...

I think a GTX480 will solve all our problems now  :P

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I too experienced this problem, and in MY case it was due to the [bUFFERPOOLS] USePools=0 tweak.  Deleted that tweak from my FSX cfg, and problem went away. I first thought it was an actual problem with my video card, as would be expected, but after I swapped in a different video card the problem persisted until I got rid of that tweak.

Same exact issue and resolution here.

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Wow, great feedback on this, thankyou everyone  ;D

I will definitely try a clean install of the latest graphics card drivers, see if that does anything first and then as the next move i'll delete the BP entry

as I have mine set to 0 as well.

Hopefully I can get all this crap ironed out cause I spent alot of money on this computer and it's been nothing but trouble.

In the few short minutes that I have played flight sim, it looks stunning but it doesn't last for long.

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With the BP tweak make sure you are using the correct value, explanation follows:


Poolsize=0  (You are setting the size of the pool)

The above tells it must use a bufferpools size of 0, this may cause the corruption you guys are seeing.


UsePools=0  (You are setting an on/off value, 1 being on and 0 being off)

The above tells FSX not to use bufferpools and instead use the video card memory directly, this is the proper implementation of the tweak. When using this, do not set your TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULTI=XX higher than 40 or you may experience graphics corruption. It is also advisable to have at least 1GB of VRAM to utilize this tweak without graphical corruption.

As all tweaks go, to each his own, and everyone's system is different.


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Wow, great feedback on this, thankyou everyone  ;D

I will definitely try a clean install of the latest graphics card drivers, see if that does anything first and then as the next move i'll delete the BP entry

as I have mine set to 0 as well.

Hopefully I can get all this crap ironed out cause I spent alot of money on this computer and it's been nothing but trouble.

In the few short minutes that I have played flight sim, it looks stunning but it doesn't last for long.

Hi Smurf,

It would be great if you could let me know how you go with this.  I will be giving some of the suggestions a go tonight after work.


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Hi fellas, a few of the dev team have also been having this problem with the newer drivers

Starts with a kernel driver crash, that 'resolves' its self, and then you see the artifacts like in the above pictures

I also found my video cards were running very hot, and the autofan was stuck on 40% fan speed

The only solution I found (for myself) was to completely wipe my video card drivers, and reinstall my old favourites (see my sig)

Procedure was:

Delete the GPU from Device manager

Run driversweeper

Reboot into safe-mode (f8 at the restart)

Run driversweeper again

Reboot into normal windows

Install different drivers

Since re-installing the 181.71's I have not had a single problem, and my autofan is once more increasing the speed when necessary

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Hi fellas, a few of the dev team have also been having this problem with the newer drivers

Starts with a kernel driver crash, that 'resolves' its self, and then you see the artifacts like in the above pictures

I also found my video cards were running very hot, and the autofan was stuck on 40% fan speed

The only solution I found (for myself) was to completely wipe my video card drivers, and reinstall my old favourites (see my sig)

Procedure was:

Delete the GPU from Device manager

Run driversweeper

Reboot into safe-mode (f8 at the restart)

Run driversweeper again

Reboot into normal windows

Install different drivers

Since re-installing the 181.71's I have not had a single problem, and my autofan is once more increasing the speed when necessary

Thanks Tim,

Can we download previous versions of drivers from the Nvidia website?  Do you have a link maybe??

Also do you use the bufferpools,  "usepools=0" tweak?


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Well, I just got this problem today. Same old 'puter Dell 1720, laptop same drivers for hmmm ..around a couple of years . 179. ? ( i think) . If it aint broke..... Maybe it is broke  :P

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you guys are great!

All in a night, my problem (and hopefully the rest of yours) are fixed!

Complete clean install as suggested of driver 181.71, driver sweeped etc..

I put BP=0 back in to bring my frames up again but set my TBM to 40... perfect!

oh, here is a link for that driver



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Bufferpools=0 was the problem... I removed it and prob solved... only FPS dropped a little.

But I have put the bufferpool tweak back in but set my TBM=40 with the suggested driver.

But as pmanhart kindly advised in his post regarding bufferpools:


Poolsize=0  (You are setting the size of the pool)

The above tells it must use a bufferpools size of 0, this may cause the corruption you guys are seeing.


UsePools=0  (You are setting an on/off value, 1 being on and 0 being off)

Set UsePools=0 and not Poolsize=0

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Hi Guys

Downloaded driversweeper and removed the driver.

I had real difficulties trying to get into safe mode.

Hitting F8 prior to the windows splash screen loading I was taken to another screen headed "Windows Error Recovery mode"

This gives me two options.

1.  Launch startup repair (recommended)

2.  Start Windows Normally.

I am unable to use the keyboard from here to select the second option.

The system automatically goes to launch startup repair mode.

It says operating system unknown or unknow operating disk.

I click on "startup repair"  it goes into a sequence as if it was repairing something and then it finishes.

I click on restart and it goes into the same sequence of events again!!!!!

AAAAH........someone please help me!!!!


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Useful information to add to when installing your GPU drivers

•Do not run virus protection software in the background while installing the drivers. This prevents the driver from configuring itself properly.


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Finally!!!  Got the thing fixed!!!

Don't know what happened!

I realised I had to enable USB Keyboard and USB Mouse options under the bios. 

As the system was going into recovery mode this must not have loaded by keyboard and mouse drivers!!

Installed the 197.13 driver,  ran FSX for a short flight from Mackay to Hamilton Island and all was nice and smooth.  Love Ants Hamilton Island pack too by the way!

Thanks guys for all your assistance with this.

Just one last question........Is this referred as a bug in the driver? 

Would Nvidia be aware of these issues?  Would it be in the pipeline to be fixed.  I would say this could do a bit of damage to peoples Graphics Cards!

Thanks again!!

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I have fixed the problem completely and urge others having this problem to try this... you have nothing to lose:

I realised it’s probably not a nvidia driver issue as I’ve tried so many all uninstalled/installed in the correct way.

Then I though, when did all this start happening?.... hmmmm?....

Well I remember when I first saw these graphical artefacts, I took a V key picture of it....

The picture was taken on the 7th April, so something on or before that date got installed/changed in my system that has been causing this....... Then it clicked!!

I have had a few Windows 7 updates installed since this time, so curiously, I went to the updates and could see that 3 or 4 had been installed... so I uninstalled all windows 7 updates from middle of March just for good measure....

Done the usual, CClean and Registry clean and re-boot...

With all sliders maxed and bufferpool=0, all to punish my GPU, I set off on a test flight around  the Oregon area (as this is quite dense scenery)

Totally amazed that the problem has gone!

I continuously flew for an hour or more and kept switching  views, excessive panning around and no artefacts or crashes!

So, give it a try and uninstall Windows 7 updates at a time you started noticing this problem!

....oh and I have the l have driver 169.21 installed

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I tried installing some old driver 181.71 as Tim suggested.

I ran all the cleaners in the correct order and when it came time to installing the drivers, the nvidia install screen came up and then an error message saying that it couldn't find any driver components and the installation would end.

Then on a second attempt, after the nvidia install screen came up, I got an error message saying that the nvidia drivers could not be installed to to the operating system not being a windows OS???

I don't often use these letters but WTF???

So I had no choice but to install the drivers that came on the disk with my graphics card (I don't know which ones they are) and then I just installed the latest 197.45 drivers.

I dunno, i've just had to redo my entire computer by going from RAID0+1 to just RAID0, so everythings up in the air at the moment.

I'm getting a terrible 10 FPS at Avalon so I really don't know what to do from here. The way my old system handled Avalon was around 20 frames around the buildings.

When I first got this computer at the end of last year I noticed that Flight Sim ran awfull but over time with god knows how many tweaks and adjustments it began to clear up.

I'm hoping that's the case this time around. This is the most expensive computer i've ever played with and so far it's been the worst.... nothing but trouble and headaches  :'(

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