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coloration and dark and Light - can't control

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I have dropped MSFS until it sorts itself out - more bugs than a windscreen in the Queensland Outback

Because of mostly goodly reports here on P3D 5 - and because I want my aircraft back - last week i downloaded

and installed it.  I managed to get it working oK - thanks to Nick - and I am easily getting 30 FPS - all slides to the right 

or almost - GRU is at 50% mostly - but CPU @ 90%  - BUT- the COLOUR ?? - vivid - saturated - dark and light uncontrollable.

It has to be P3D 5 because all the other time - my picture is great- and I don't wish to change any settings to accommodate 

V5 - V$ is great - and if i cant solve this problem - I have 6 days left to get the money back

Here's 2 examples inc 1 TE South - Penang is at 30000 - but lower shots show up more light and Dark (vegitation)

I think I read that shaders was something new in V5 - could it be that - too much shade and Light ??

London WEnd.jpg

Penang and Butterworth.jpg

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24 minutes ago, Smudger said:

Hello John,

have you enabled HDR Lighting and tried adjusting Brightness and Saturation to a more pleasing level ?

Hi Smudger

YES to HDR but how to adjust B+S in sim - I dont want to touch monitor controls just for this sim

All other uses are good - inc P3D 4

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Hi Smudger - Thanks for trying to help 


Have played around with the settings you suggest - but it doesn't really help - and one shouldnt need to 

The only thing that has changed between the 2 versions - seems to be the amount of shaders 

and the sim adjusts these on every setup - so extracting any - doesn't seem to work


It looks as if I am stuck with the current results - if I keep V5 maybe as others seem to think it better 

P3D V4 does OK for me and does allow me to use all my aircraft but  unless I am 

flying  - low and slow - high altitudes don't seem to be as bad in V5 - so I will keep and fly with it -

until MSFS gets better on the PC - or an improved X Box sim turns up

These are the comparisons of the 2 Versions - Take off from Gold Coast at identical setting

V5 is the first one

Gold Coast Airport.jpg

Gold Coast Airport 2.jpg

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6 hours ago, John Heaton said:

These are the comparisons of the 2 Versions

Hello John, P3Dv5 is certainly brighter and greener, it is a pity that the HDR Saturation has not got a RGB adjustment :angry:

My P3Dv4 is all True Earth which I find has a greenish hue, but my P3Dv5 is all Landclass with a good colour balance.

Did you try deleting your shader folder and letting P3Dv5 build a new one ?

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50 minutes ago, Smudger said:


Did you try deleting your shader folder and letting P3Dv5 build a new one ?

Thanks again smudge -

no I haven't tried deleting the shader folder - 

1 - I don't like interfering with files 

and 2 - I read somewhere - deleting the file get replaced next time of start up

I;ll stick with what I have  - low and slow with TE V 4 etc and my airports and aircraft

and use V5 for long haul 10000 +

thanks for trying !!:smile:

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1 minute ago, John Heaton said:

thanks for trying

You are wecome John,

but it is advised by Poppet in her tutorials on Avsim that after updating any P3D version, to delete the Shaders folder and P3D config allowing P3D to create new ones.

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