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MSFS Marketplace Updates

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Spoke to @Nick Cooper earlier about the recent updates to London and EGLC not showing in MSFS Marketplace. I just thought I'd mention it in it's own thread at it's still not showing a new version for the London POI pack despite the update being announce +12 hours ago.

Would someone mind taking a look and making sure it's been pushed? We may have a bug with marketplaces updates if it won't come through to some people :)


Many Thanks!

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10 minutes ago, Phill Morgan said:



Spoke to @Nick Cooper earlier about the recent updates to London and EGLC not showing in MSFS Marketplace. I just thought I'd mention it in it's own thread at it's still not showing a new version for the London POI pack despite the update being announce +12 hours ago.

Would someone mind taking a look and making sure it's been pushed? We may have a bug with marketplaces updates if it won't come through to some people :)


Many Thanks!

Agreed.  I just discussed this in another thread below in this forum.

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Please allow for Microsoft to go through their internal testing processes before it is available there. I've been informed that the update will only appear in your Content Manager as a download being available for the product.


You could probably appreciate Microsoft is onboarding other 3rd parties at the moment and delays may be seen as they go through their deployments.


Another advantage from purchasing direct from OrbxDirect I suppose :)



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6 hours ago, Ed Correia said:

Please allow for Microsoft to go through their internal testing processes before it is available there. I've been informed that the update will only appear in your Content Manager as a download being available for the product.


You could probably appreciate Microsoft is onboarding other 3rd parties at the moment and delays may be seen as they go through their deployments.


Another advantage from purchasing direct from OrbxDirect I suppose :)




Thanks for getting back to me @Ed Correia. I thought it may be something like that. Seems strange to have an approval process when the addon system lets you install from outside the market anyway.


No matter though, worth the wait! Thanks again!

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I think it makes sense to have some auditing or testing before it's being released on the Market. You don't want the addon to break the sim, it would look very bad. Only for that reason I would prefer the market over anything else, and looking forward for more addons to be added to the market.

Also personally, I just want to start the sim and fly, don't want to spend an hour starting all kinds of external updaters or skimming forums to see what needs to be updated. But good that there's an option I guess.

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