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Push-back vehicle sinking into the ground when approaching the plane

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2 hours ago, traxap said:

X-Plane 11 - EGLC London.  The push back vehicle sinks into the ground as it approaches the airplane.

I have both GBSouth and EGLC Scenery.


Please review the video from the link below.  the file is larger than 7.95MB.





Have you got Runways follow terrain contours enabled? If not then please enable that option in XP/Settings/General.

Also attach your scenery_packs.ini. Thanks

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1 hour ago, traxap said:

Also, here is my costume scenery.ini file.

scenery_packs.ini 4.77 kB · 1 download

Hi. I have rearranged your scenry_packs.ini as the True Earth addons were not in the correct. They need to be directly under Global Airports. I also notice that you do not have the X-Plane London Landmarks installed. They are essential to the proper display of the London area in TEGB South. London Landmarks needs to be layered just below Global Airports so it sits directly above TEGB entries.

Try the revised scenry_packs.ini and see if it improvs the situation.



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Thank you Jon for correcting and rearranging my .ini file. I've never been able to figure out where everything goes.  This will help and allow me to understand better the scenery_packs.ini structure.  To learn an understand more.


I have the London landmarks, I removed it to see if that made a difference, I will put it back  There  was a line that had only an "S" is that where the London landmark should go?


Again, thank you.

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I will need to refer the point about the  pushback vehicle to @Tony Wroblewski for comment as he is the dev of TEGB South, and also @Greg Jones in case it is an anomaly in EGLC Airport addon. 

To be very honest due to the current workload of those two gentlemen I doubt it will be fixed in the near future but will certainly be noted as needing investigating and fixing.

I have rearranged a few things in you scenery_packs.ini. I need clarification that the entries I list below are purely Airport addons. I think they are as they look like the titles that XP.org freeware files make when installed.

I have assumed they are airports and hence moved them to above Global Airports where they should be located.

SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KBDL_Scenery_Pack/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KJFK_Scenery_Pack/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KLAS_Scenery_Pack/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KOAK_Scenery_Pack/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KVPS_Scenery_Pack/



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Thank you for the reply.


It's not a big deal if the sinking pushcart does not get fixed soon.  I am not dependent on it.  I thought I should report it for the team to be aware of it.


I confirm that the scenery packs you listed are airports from XP.org.


I really Appreciate all your help with the scenery pack.

  • Can I assume that everything that contains the word "Global" in its description should be at the bottom of any section it pertains to and before any specific customization of that section, which should be placed on top?
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54 minutes ago, traxap said:

Thank you for the reply.


It's not a big deal if the sinking pushcart does not get fixed soon.  I am not dependent on it.  I thought I should report it for the team to be aware of it.


I confirm that the scenery packs you listed are airports from XP.org.


I really Appreciate all your help with the scenery pack.

  • Can I assume that everything that contains the word "Global" in its description should be at the bottom of any section it pertains to and before any specific customization of that section, which should be placed on top?

The only important "Global " reference is that of Global Airports which needs to sit directly below the last 3rd party airports entry in the scenry_packs.ini. Most other "Global" addons are library type addons or scenery enhancement types and should be placed below the last True Earth entry. Libraries can go anywhere but for conformity and tidiness sake I tend to put them in a group and last but one in the layering sequence.

I attach my scenery_packs.ini as a guide to show you my layering structure.


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A simple rule to remember when having to manually adjust a scenery_packs.ini:

From TOP down:

3rd party airports and in the case of Orbx any additional files like roads for that airport etc. Orbx will normally prefix with A, B and C etc.

Global Airports

True Earth addons but London Landmarks if you have TEGB South needs to go above the TEGB entries but below Global Airports


Scenery enhancers like VFR landmarks, SFD Global, X-Europe, Cityscapes (normally 3rd party and prefixed with a C) Terra Flora


Ortho4XP Overlays if you have ortho4xp

Orthio4XP ortho files

Mesh, if you have the enhanced worldwide mesh the UHD Mesh goes above HD Mesh


Hope the above helps


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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for the late response. I have not figure out how to get forum notifications, or how to turn them on.


 I really appreciate the extra guidance on how to correctcly layer the scenery...ini file.


Again, thank  you.

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