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Trouble with Libraries installing to a NAS


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I have recently converted my scenery over to storing on a NAS. I have my Xplane 11 Custom Scenery folder symlinked back to my C drive. I want to do the same with my Orbx libraries, but everything I try does not work. My latest attempt I was able to point the library to the NAS so that the files install directly there (The path is \\HomeNAS\Share1\Custom Scenery\Orbx Library). This time I at least have something in the folders, however when I start Xplane the sceneries do not load properly. I have used Sync Simulator (which said succesful), but I do not see any Symlinks created. Has anyone else had luck installing the libraries onto the NAS?? Is there a better way to do it?? I have several Orbx products and I would like to be able to use them all, but they take up a lot of space so the NAS would be the best solution for me.


I have included my Central log, Xplane log and scenery packs files. I have tried various solutions, so the central log may not be pretty.

central.log Xplane Log.txt scenery_packs.ini

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I will have to refer this to the Orbx Central support team to answer regarding the problem of installing into NAS unless @Nick Cooper has some advice. It is not in my area of knowledge I am afraid.

I did look at your scenry_packs.ini and notice that you only have the TEGB South/Custom folder installed so I assume you are using it over ortho4xp?

I know that when it comes to OrbxLibs I always install it directly into the XP directory and not into another self created library as it is only 1.32GB in size.

The other way would be to symlink it yourself via the symlink tool I use which is HardLinkShell which I attach for you. You can Google how to use it but it is extremely easy to use.


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Thank you for the response. Jon I am using TEGB South/Custom over Ortho....that is the only product that I had installed directly into the XP11 directory, which is why it's the only one showing up. The rest I had put into my library. 


I will try to hardlink using the shell...I had used mklink before, which hadnt worked either. I understand there will be some lag in loading the scenery with a NAS. I do not have an issue with my Ortho4XP so hopefully I won't with the Orbx sceneries either.

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