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PLEASE HELP: Files download, but different sizes each time, and always failing to convert or extract

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Operating system:  Win 10

Simulator:  Xplane 11

Screenshot:  N/A





I purchased the US SoCal HD pack, but it will not install.  I purchased a new hard drive for the computer, but found it doesn't write fast enough, so then bought a new SSD, which is writing fast enough and has enough room, but the files will not take.


I posted on two threads, one of my own, and (after no reply) once on a different thread.  The replies I got were to downgrade my Visual C++ files (which I did, to no effect) and a backhanded insult that I didn't attach my log file correctly (which was both unhelpful and kind of insulting - why not take that time being helpful instead of condescending?)


Today is day 6 of my attempts to get this software to work.  The recent issue is that files download (each time they are different sizes: 8.85 Gb, 21.92 Gb, 17.27 Gb, 8.79 Gb, 4.46 Gb, and 9.53 Gb) it appears to work, then a splash screen appears saying several thousand files failed to convert or extract (They range from 3396 to 7662 files that failed to convert and from 9749 to 16739 files that failed to extract).  I try to verify the files, and it restarts the loop. 


My log file is now 278 Mb, and will not attach, but I don't want to be accused of ignoring protocol, so I am attaching a screengrab showing the size of this log file.  Please advise.


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Your issue is being attended to by @Nick Cooper via the other post you created outlining the same problem He is trying to get in touch with the Orbx Central support team in Melbourne who are in lockdown due to Covid19.


Nick may be able to advise on how to attach your Orbx Central log file by initially reducing it's size and then zipping it.

There was absolutely no insult directed at anyone regarding the copy and paste of your Central log file in your other post. It is just that copy and paste of any log file is always discouraged due to the amount of space it uses. I can now understand why you did copy and paste due to the size of that Log in megabytes, but that was not mentioned by you when you pasted it. Nick was not to know the size of the file was preventing you from "attaching" it rather than the copy/paste that was submitted.

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Hello ChandlerChan,

the comment about not copying and pasting the file was written to another customer.

As you appear to have taken offence, accordingly I apologise, no offence was intended.

The best solution to your problem with the log would probably be to delete it altogether and then

run that attempted installation once again and attach a copy of that log to the topic in the Orbx Central support forum.


I have sent messages to the Orbx Central team in Melbourne asking them to attend to your problem and the several other

unanswered posts in the Orbx Central forum. As they have not responded, perhaps something is preventing them from doing

so in these strange times. I cannot say, as I do not know.

I understand your frustration and share it in respect of the lack of feedback.

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@Jon Clarke Thank you for your reply.


@Nick Cooper Yes, I realize your comment was directed at someone else, which made it doubly insulting.  Not only did you fail to help me, but you did find time to respond to another poster on my question, then made your remark about my log.  Surely you can understand my aggravation when you not only ignored my question, but replied to someone else instead, and used that time to point out my mistakes. Thanks for the apology.


As for the three links you keep copy/pasting - there are 7 files available to download in all.  Do all of those files need to be downloaded and installed? What if I have other versions already on my machine, do I need to delete those first? Do I need to delete every Visual Basic program installed on the machine, or only certain ones? I have 17 programs on my machine under add/remove programs with 'Visual Basic C++' in the name, am I deleting all of those?


I hope you can appreciate why simply copy/pasting 'these must be installed' is not helpful. This is the 7th day of trying to get this software running. 


Also, does Xplane need to be installed on the C Drive, or can it be installed elsewhere (like my new SSD). Same for the Orbx files - do they need to be installed on the C Drive as well, or can they be installed on the new SSD?


I will uninstall everything then reinstall from scratch again, and I await your assistance.

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Hello ChandlerChan,

As I have already mentioned and as you know very well, you have another topic waiting in the Orbx Central forum

for assistance from the Orbx Central developers.

I am unable to help you further because I do not know the solution to your problem.

I have notified them more than once that there are outstanding support requests, and I can do no more.



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When this issue started happening last week, I emailed support asking them to downgrade me from HD to SD (to take up less space on my HD). Somehow that request actually came through yesterday, and I've since been able to install the SD scenery without issue (except for X-Plane crashing after running it for several minutes).



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