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TE Washington SD Mesh Problem

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Hello - I had a similar problem with mesh in TE Washington with my KBVS Skagit purchase.  Jon Clarke helped me solve that problem by turning on the "runway follows contour" option.  I have it currently enabled.  I've tried disabling it (checked and problem still remained), re-enabling it (checked and problem still remained), verifying files (remained), shut-down/restart computer (remained), checked scenery_packs.ini (in order)and looking for others with similar problems on this forum.  Have had no luck thus far.  Hoping for some direction to solve.  Thanks in advance for any help offered.  Scott :)


The location is nearest WA45 Rwy 34 (that grass strip is also affected)

Wierd rise in TEWash SD Cessna_172SP - 2020-07-17 12.59.20.jpg

WA45 Rwy34 TEWashSD.jpg


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