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i dont want Orbx XML

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i resently installed my Orbx stuff  and am installing scenery and i have notice that my Orbx stuff got installed as XML. and now everytime i turn the sim 

it ask me if i want to enable  the add-on  is that normal or what cause on V4.5 i never had this problem and now on V5 everytime i run P3D it ask me to enable all the Orbx products 


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2 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


I have merged your new topic with this one.

Please uninstall all your products form your Orbx Central Library and instead,

install them into the P3D folder.


but i tought the new way it allowed me to place them outside my P3D is so it dont take the space cause where am installing it at its a 3TB HDD

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4 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


you cannot do that unless you are prepared to use the xml method that you don't want.

Unless you would like to try this:



ok so ill keep the XML method but how can i bypass always clicking the add-on cause all my Orbx scenery i have to click on it  untill everything its active and then P3D will start 



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Lo que pasa es que si instalas los productos fuera de la raiz de P3D entonces se agrgan por el metodo xml.

Tendrías que darle Yes a todos hasta que todos esten agregados, pero no debería volverte a salir eso una vez que les hayas dado click en Yes.

Se agregan una unica vez


¿Lo que dices es que después de hacerlo te vuelve a salir como si no lo hubieras hecho?




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