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Scenery from cockpit view not as good as outside view

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Been checking out the Portland Scenery and it is amazing. When changing the view to outside the plane such as chase mode everything looks great. From the cockpit however it's not as exciting, like not as much autogen or less detail. Is this normal or am I missing something.



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The scenery should look the same from inside and outside as far as I know (but, hey, Flight Simulator has a habit of surprising me!). Any chance of posting a screen shot showing the different views of the same area. Also do you use any 3rd party addons to produce the external\ chase views or the cockpit views?


All the best,






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A couple of screen shots here. Not as brilliant from the cockpit. Maybe it's just the effect of looking through the windows.

It would sure be nice if it was the same. Also the scenery looks further away from the cockpit.

Cockpit Left.jpg

Outside Left.jpg

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Hi Steve,

For the colours all I can think is that the manufacturer of the aircraft has simulated slightly tinted windows. You could try altering the HDR Lighting settings (in Options-Lighting) to see if you can getting things looking more vibrant from the cockpit (though that will alter the outside view as well)

As for the way things look further away in the cockpit I suspect that's an effect well known to photographers. Using a wide angle lens (or view) makes the background look further away. I know there is a setting in options - Display to enable or disable Wide-view Aspect Ratio. You might try playing with that and see which you prefer.

What you are seeing looks normal so there's nothing wrong with your setup.

All the best,


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Yes that definitely looks like the tinted window effect.  I have it really strong in my Gazelle helicopter, too strong to be realistic (the eye compensates a lot more for different tints than a camera or computer display).  And yes, the zoom will be different inside and outside, however the + and - or SHIFT + and SHIFT - keys allow you to quickly zoom in or out to make them look the same.

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