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Reimstall Orbx content after Windows10 reset

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Due to some problems and because of my PC getting slower I decided to do a Windows reset. I reinstalled P3DV4 and Orbx central. I had all of my Orbx content on my second SSD, so after selecting the library folder on Orbx Central everything seems to be installed correctly. The only problem is that on P3D I don't have any of my Orbx prodcut working, I guess that even if I have the product downloaded and installed into my library it is not linked correctly to P3D. Also in the scenery tab of P3D I don't see anything.

Do you guys have any suggestion?

Thank you for your support,




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Thank you for the tip. I tried it multiple times but sill I can't see any Orbx produdcts on P3D, both Global products and Airports are not shown in the scenery tab or in the scenery.cfg file of P3D.

Is there a way to add them manually?

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Hello Nick,

Thank you for your help, but after the annoucement of the New Microsoft Flight Simulator I decided to give up on re-installing everything back on P3D and I will wait for the new sim to be released. Looking forward for Orbx products on the new sim!

Best regards

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Hello again, Nick

Reading this post I have questions:

Built an entirely new pc with 3 1TB SSD Samsung (1->OS/Win10-64 / 2->P3Dv4 / 3->P3Dv4_Addons). Didn't intall anything except airplanes.

Got many Orbx products.

With Orbx Central 4 can I create  ...\P3Dv4_Addons\Orbx  installing all products there? If so do I need to add them one by one to P3Dv4 library?

Or else?


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