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Scenery Popping Prepar3D True Earth Oregon

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I just made a flight from Portland east along the Columbia River to Hood River. During to flight, there was serious scenery popping on both sides of the river. How can this be avoided?    

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Thanks Carlos for your response. In order to see scenery popping, the aircraft has to be moving. Thus, it would take a video. The popping did not take place at one point. It was continuous during the entire flight.

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No, it does not move up and down. Many small portions of the scenery pop to a different rendition of the small portions. My mesh is set to 5. 

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Hello danr,

if you mean autogen loads suddenly before your eyes, then this is a problem with P3D.

It can be mitigated by setting the autogen display distance to medium.

Autogen will not appear so far away but it will fade in instead of "popping".

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Hello Nick,

Thank you for your response. I think you have described my problem. I changed the draw distance to medium, but this did not help. As this only seems to happen in the flight I described in my first post, perhaps if could be addressed in a coming update.  Thanks, Dan

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