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p3d5 crash with Orbx england and open lc europe

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good day all


i have a problem with my Orbx addon openlc europe and ftx england when i am at EGLL, default airport or AS EGLL pro the problem is here.


when i start to pan to the north west to north east , approximatly at the north position p3d  crash with no error.


if i deactivate open lc europe10 who correspond at england and keep ftx england alive, i don't have crash, the reverse also work.


if open lc and ftx england are alive together p3d5 crash when i look at to the north direction.


weeks ago i was doing a flight to london arrival at 7000ft from east to west at the north of the airport, and receive a crash from p3d5


i don't know where the problem is


thanks for your help

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i use the last version of p3d5 but this problem was présent with the hf1

default plane or payware don’t change the résult 

as i wrote above i can solve this problem if i don’t use openlc and ftx england at the same time 


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