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x plane bata and Orbx


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I'm trying out the new beta.  What I would like to do is copy a Orbx file from my working copy and paste it into  the bata.  X 11 Orbx Scenery is 


D:\\X Plane > X plane Stuff  (only Orbx Scenery is in stuff)   The Beta F:\\X Plane.  in the beta there are no freeware or payware  I know the file would go into Custom Scenery.  I also like to copy a small file for testing only.  Can it be done or will I have a mess on my hands.

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Go for it. If XP crashes remove the file and restart XP. If XP still won't restart in beta just remove the file then run the XP installer checking the update and beta boxes to correct any corrupt or missing XP files that your test file may have caused.

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4 hours ago, DTH said:

I'm trying out the new beta.  What I would like to do is copy a Orbx file from my working copy and paste it into  the bata.  X 11 Orbx Scenery is 


D:\\X Plane > X plane Stuff  (only Orbx Scenery is in stuff)   The Beta F:\\X Plane.  in the beta there are no freeware or payware  I know the file would go into Custom Scenery.  I also like to copy a small file for testing only.  Can it be done or will I have a mess on my hands.

There is no need to copy. You can just make a shortcut of the Orbx file you want to use in 11.50 and place that shortcut in the 11.50 Custom Scenery folder. XP 11.50 will then just read the file from your D drive. No problems and saves any messing about with copies etc. You can do the same thing with any files that you have in your "working copy" that you may want to try and use in the beta version.

I have several XP installs and only 11.40 has original addons. I even have symbolic linked the 11.40 Custom Scenery folder in its entirety into 11.50 and it works fine. No need for any installs or copes.

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