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Orbx Uk South Update frozen


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Hello,I noticed that there was Updates for Uk North, Central and South so I logged onto Central and started with the UK Central update which it carried out showing all the files have been downloaded ok so I then started the UK South which stared off ok but then stopped at the at the following showing in the download indicated box at the following =EXTRACTED 2867/2877. CONVERTED 11881/11880 I left it for 4 hours but it has still not changed so not finished the update which means I cannot update the UK North as it as frozen any more updates, I have done updates before with all of the above without problems so I’m at a loss of what to do now so if you can could you please advise. The Central is updated to the latest edition also.

Thank You.

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Thanks for the question. Yes I have. I have now updated Uk North and Central which updated without any trouble it’s just the South which seems to be an issue so I will leave it for now and try later.

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I have lost numerous hours trying to reinstall the Orbx UK. The installer always grinds to a hold. Rebooting doesn't help. I have a fast internet connection. I install on ssd drives. 

In my case, Orbx central is a mess for the moment. I hope there will be a solution. 

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