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Orbx North download problem

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I have started the download for the TrueEarth North add on. I have plenty of Hard Drive Space left so I know that isn't the problem. The download gets just under half way where it then says it is extracting and converting files (Please see image attached). But nothing happens. I left the download going all night last night and it still hasn't progressed any further.


Any help will be much appreciated. Because if i can't get it to work then I will be looking for a refund. 20200531_152709.thumb.jpg.ddc629532c9ebc306ad37743af7025f6.jpg

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Try a couple of things first please.

1. Tell me where your Temp folder is and what drive it's on and what free space is on that drive.

2. The free space on the drive you are wanting to install onto.

3.Read this link about Orbx Central getting stuck and what to do.

If the Link info doesn't work, then attach your Orbx Central log file available via Orbx central/settings/help.


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Hi Jon, 


Thank you for your reply.


I want to install onto my D Drive which has 431GB (Free). My Temp Folder is in my D Drive.


I have now changed my conversions setting to Low, checked that my concurrency drive is the drive I want to install on.


I will try the download again now.

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8 minutes ago, RyanJ said:

Hi Jon, 


Thank you for your reply.


I want to install onto my D Drive which has 431GB (Free). My Temp Folder is in my D Drive.


I have now changed my conversions setting to Low, checked that my concurrency drive is the drive I want to install on.


I will try the download again now.

You will be using temporarily about 200GB of that free space for the download/extraction , conversion and installation. After the installation is finished you will only be using up about 143GB.

Remember that you will be limited for any further TE downloads as you have both your temp folder and installation folder on the same drive. 

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9 hours ago, RyanJ said:

Hi Jon, 


The download has installed.


When I start a new flight this message appears (please see attached). 


Again that is normally an indication of lack of disk space.

I need you to attach your Orbx Central log file please available via Orbx Central/settings/help. If the file is large then I suggest you make it a zip file.

@Nick Cooper User appears to have enough free space, just, to complete the installation but is having the error message associated with a lack of free space. Please move to Orbx Central support for review

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Hi Jon, 


Please see attached Log File. 


Also, you mentioned earlier that I will be limited for any further TE downloads as you have both your temp folder and installation folder on the same drive. So I know for the future, do you recommend to have them on different drives?

Log File.txt

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1 hour ago, RyanJ said:

Hi Jon, 


Please see attached Log File. 


Also, you mentioned earlier that I will be limited for any further TE downloads as you have both your temp folder and installation folder on the same drive. So I know for the future, do you recommend to have them on different drives?

Log File.txt 3.71 MB · 0 downloads

1. You need to attach your Orbx Central log file not the XP log file:

"I need you to attach your Orbx Central log file please available via Orbx Central/settings/help. If the file is large then I suggest you make it a zip file."


Regarding drives. You need to have enough free space on a drive to cater for large downloads that will require extracting and converting and installing. I am talking mainly Orbx TE regions in HD. I personallus e all the TE addons in SD as they take up little space, don't require conversion process and load quicker. No real noticeable difference in image quality from above 2000ft

 Having XP on a separate drive is advisable. my full recommendation is that you have a smallish (250GB?) C drive for you OS and some utility programmes etc.

A large drive minimum 1TB and preferably SSD for XP where I would maybe have my XP with Orbx TE regions in the Custom Scenery folder. You get much quicker loading times with SSD.

I would also spend a few $ or £s on a USB 3. external HDD of 2-4TB. I have a 4TB and it cost £60 UK Sterling. That would hold all my airports and other lesser demanding scenery addons and 3rd party libraries plus any ortho4xp files.

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I followed the steps that you said to get to the log and that is what I found (see image attached to see what I clicked on).


This is the log that I get once I click on the Open Log button. 

So, would me reinstalling the download in SD stop the problem I currently have?
And thank you for the info about drives. I currently have a 250GB C Drive for my OS then a 2TB Hard Drive for everything else. I was looking into getting a SSD and make that the drive that I have my Games/simulators on and have my Hard Drive for my other applications.

Inked20200602_190736 (1)_LI.jpg


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