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'Orbx Global Base Scenery' priority 1

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Hi - after verifying my files Orbx Global Base Scenery is now priority 1 and is unable to be move down the scenery library.


I am still getting square patches despite the fixes recommended.


How can I move the global base scenery?


Thank you.

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Yes, I have a similar issue. I ran the Global Base update today and now Base sits at the top of the scenery list. I do have the Lorby tool but for the life of me cannot find ANYTHING that tells me WHERE the Global Base Scenery SHOULD BE in the order. I have my insertion points and everything except Global Base seems to be honoring them. I **have** gleaned that any BASE scenery should not be anywhere near the top, does that not apply to Orbx Global Base?


I have no problem moving it, but to WHERE in the list??? I've seen a zillion peoples lists and the nice old colorful list but NONE of the entries shows "Orbx Global Base Scenery". Maybe I am even more blind than my wife tells me I am!


Any help MUCH appreciated!!!



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Hello James,

the scenery library entry labelled Orbx Global Base Scenery is in fact just additions to the scenery\Global\scenery folder

and it does not matter where that reference is in a scenery library.

You can adjust the view in your scenery library to see what files are actually being referenced.


P3D scenery library.jpg

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19 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

There is nothing wrong with either the site or the utility.

I would recommend that you keep trying until you have mastered your own anti virus software.:)

Thats the issue. I’m not using any virus software, just the default Windows 10 defender and the firewall. I attempted to disable it but I still get the virus message. 

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13 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

It does say on the site that this will not stop you downloading it?

What browser are you using?

Tried it on Chrome and Edge. Both say there is a virus. Tried right clicking on the downloads section but it doesn’t allow you to continue the download. 

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5 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello James,

the scenery library entry labelled Orbx Global Base Scenery is in fact just additions to the scenery\Global\scenery folder

and it does not matter where that reference is in a scenery library.


Thanks for making this clear, I was in doubt, too, although I didn't observe issues in this respect.


Kind regards, Michael

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8 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello James,

the scenery library entry labelled Orbx Global Base Scenery is in fact just additions to the scenery\Global\scenery folder

and it does not matter where that reference is in a scenery library.

You can adjust the view in your scenery library to see what files are actually being referenced.



Hi Nick,


"...and it does not matter where that reference is in a scenery library."


Bingo! Thank you for this.



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Hi Nick,

since the release of the v5 many things have changed. You can read in the Orbx forum, also in different foren about the certainity of Users, to handle the library. Is there an opportunity, to pin  a short thread with an explanation to handle the entrys. I mean, in the german forum, years ago Friedi did for v3. 


Regards Joachim

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unfortunately, I do not fully understand the methodology or reasoning behind the need to

install products outside the P3D folder but, as they say, it is what it is.


For some it seems to be a source of joy, despite the need for a third party utility to manipulate

the various demands of third party scenery.


Very briefly, it seems that the scenery library order of some add-ons is less important than it was when

they were scenery library entries.


I gather that the basic principal is that files stored as an add-on are used instead of default P3D files,

thus removing the need to overwrite any default P3D files.

Of course, some files are for airports and it seems that they must still be correctly positioned in relation

to each other, regions, openLC and Vector in order to correctly work together.

Where the files are not airport files, but are simply files that would be added to or replace files in one of

the default folders, the position in the library does not matter.

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8 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


Where the files are not airport files, but are simply files that would be added to or replace files in one of

the default folders, the position in the library does not matter.


Well I think that is where the confusion is here. Orbx names this 'set of files' as "Global Base Scenery". I think, at least for me that has been around this stuff for 25 years, that "GLOBAL BASE SCENERY" always goes at/near the bottom no matter what. "Library" goes anywhere. So maybe a bit more concise naming convention may help. If it really doesn't matter anymore then I guess it's a non issue, but I find it hard to believe that is the case. Just my 2c. I'm NOT complaining, just hoping it's a bit less confusing some day!



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using your 25 years of experience and applying it to this relatively new phenomenon,

can you suggest a name that you would find more acceptable?

I do understand the reluctance to accept something different, I suffer from it myself,

but it does not seem necessary to assume that because it is different, it is faulty.


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5 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


using your 25 years of experience and applying it to this relatively new phenomenon,

can you suggest a name that you would find more acceptable?

I do understand the reluctance to accept something different, I suffer from it myself,

but it does not seem necessary to assume that because it is different, it is faulty.



Hi Nick,

I personally don't care which system LM uses, but for crap sake pick just one of them! I don't mind change either, most times it's for the better. (most times, but this does not apply to Windows updates LOL). 


I think the main thing is publicizing where things go. A sticky in the forum, a chapter in the manual, a topic in help/FAQ, anything that users can refer to instead of the billion posts in all the various forums asking essentially the same question over and over. If in Orbx it doesn't matter where it goes then say it. But having "Insertion Points" certainly leads one to believe it does matter where stuff goes.


As far as a naming convention here are a few thoughts. 


Base scenery:

This is obviously the thorn in this instance. To me Base scenery goes near the base, bottom, lower, under etc.

In the case of Orbx Global Base Scenery if is only a parts bin then maybe "Global Scenery Enhancements" or "Global Scenery Library". Call it what it is.

"Global Base Scenery" to me means..., well I think you know by now ;-)


Airport scenery:

Just make it obvious its an airport. "WXYZ Airport Scenery"

If there is a Library for this airport then "WXYZ Airport Library"

If there is a land class, which in my mind means it goes BELOW the airport: "WXYZ Airport LC" or "WXYZ Airport LandClass"

I don't see a need in this day and age to do a lot of abbreviating.



Any Library call it a Library. If Global Base Scenery is just a library then call it a Library.

Library to me means it goes pretty much anywhere, but preferably above whatever uses it. (Please let me know if this is not accurate!)



I think regions in Orbx are named appropriately. And to me they are similar to a Base scenery. Go below airports.


Again, I'm not complaining, just trying to help. In my opinion Orbx is the best scenery platform/purchase platform/installer platform that exists! (no bashing please, your mileage may vary).


Thank you for listening,




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