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KGPI Elevation/Mesh

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Why oh WHY ... do the ground textures look like this at KGPI ...?

Northern Rockies is installed and up to date

North America LC installed and up to date

KGPI was uninstalled and reinstalled and still the same

Tried different MESH resolution 5m and 2m with no change


Any ideas, recommendation, suggestion, fix, or advice ...?




  • KGPI: Transaction ID: 5b89c9b988333
  • Northern Rockies: Transaction ID: 598f06223c0bb
  • Open LC North America: Transaction ID: 5935d28213492




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11 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

you will find an update to KGPI in Orbx Central.

Apply that and the problem will be gone.


Okay great, thanks Nick ... I will do so.


In the meantime I've just ran into another problem and that is the fact that the Pacific Ocean is now wasteland but maybe I should post that under a new topic.

Pic was taken of the coast from San Francisco.



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P3D with its brilliant file logic where you have an add-ons.cfg in two locations, just like you have two dll.xml and exe.xml files in two locations.


But here you go with

1. add-ons.cfg from c:\***\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\

2. scenery.cfg file from same location as [1]

3. add-ons_PD.cfg from c:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ ......... I've renamed it just to differentiate from the other one



add-ons.cfg scenery.cfg add-ons_PD.cfg

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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

can you attach a copy of your scenery.cfg file and add-ons.cfg file please


When I opened Orbx Central now, I see there is a Global and Object Flow update ... will quickly jump into P3D to see if the Ocean is back.

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There is something massively wrong with my US scenery ...

Here is KMRY (Transaction ID: 5d4c773f6d2cc) and it looks like the default with jetways from the payware version.

I've updated everything in Orbx Central


I'll patiently wait for your reply and suggestion how to fix this.



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3 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

I cannot, at present, find any trace of KMRY in either your add-ons.cfg or scenery.cfg files.

I am hoping that the scenery.cfg file is in fact from c:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\?


Yes, it's the correct scenery.cfg file and you will find KMRY under [Area.241]




I've just now discovered that Global openLC Africa Mesh and Photoreal is NOT installed and I've now installed it. Don't know how on Earth (pun intended) did that happen. Could that be related? Don't know.

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UK / Europe Ocean is perfect

Africa / Cape Town Ocean is perfect [forgive the two pimples, it seems with the Africa_LC they are all over the place] :)

  • It's only the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of US that has turned into a wasteland



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I have put your scenery.cfg file into my copy of P3D v4 and do not see any anomalies at either Monterey or San Francisco.

I wonder if you could try disabling the large number of other addons and see if the problem goes away?

If you don't already use it, the Scenery Config Editor can do this for you with a few mouse clicks.

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18 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

I have put your scenery.cfg file into my copy of P3D v4 and do not see any anomalies at either Monterey or San Francisco.

I wonder if you could try disabling the large number of other addons and see if the problem goes away?

If you don't already use it, the Scenery Config Editor can do this for you with a few mouse clicks.


Okay, I'll give it a try ...

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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

If you don't already use it, the Scenery Config Editor can do this for you with a few mouse clicks.


I found the culprit ... FTX_NA_NCA05_SCENERY

  • First I deselected ALL Europe, Asia, NZ, and Africa scenery and the Ocean Wasteland was still there
  • Then I deselected ALL LC Scenery (Africa, North and South America) and still the persistent Ocean Wasteland
  • Then I deselected FTX_NA_NCA05_SCENERY / CVX / MESH / CUSTOM and voila, the Ocean was back normal

Now the million dollar question: WHY??


I've already uninstalled and reinstalled the FTX_NA_NCA05_SCENERY with the same result. What could there be in this set of Northern California files that changes the Ocean?


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1 hour ago, Stewart Hobson said:

I encountered this problem late last year.  Here is the thread and possible solution:


Thank you thank you THANK YOU Stewart ...



  • Go to: c:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Orbx\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_NCA06_CVX\scenery\
  • Find: cvx_FTX_NCA_water_1518w_SanFrancisco_summer.BGL
  • If you see the file with the extension: disabled-by-KSTS then delete this extension so that it is only cvx_FTX_NCA_water_1518w_SanFrancisco_summer.BGL
  • For some or the other reason KSTS renamed the above mentioned file and hence the water discrepancy. 

Thank you Stewart! Also thanks Nick for your patience with this simmer.






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Yep, that's it.  For some reason unclear to us, the KSTS installer finds it necessary to interfere with that bgl file in FTX_NA_NCA_CVX\scenery.  One would hope this could be remedied so that newcomers trying to install KSTS don't experience this problem.  Glad you got it sorted!



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