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Could not load addon.xml error

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Out of the blue I started getting this message:




ORBXv4 is the folder where I have the Orbx library for v4.5. I have a different folder for the v5 library. Normally there should not be any addon.xml file in this folder. I have to click the OK button and then the message comes up two more times during the flight loading. Orbx stuff still shows up normally however it is annoying to have to click on this message.


V5 works fine with no such issues.



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There are several subfolders of the p3dv4 folder that have addon.xml files but not the root folder p3dv4. The message seems to be looking at one at a location where there need not be one.


The folder structure is identical in my v5 library which is on the same drive and called Orbx v5. No addon.xml file exists in the Orbx v5\p3dv5\ folder but I do not get this message like I do in v4.5.


I have recently uninstalled several Orbx full areas from v4 and installed them in v5, keeping only global and some airports in v4. I did nothing manually, all uninstallations and installations were done through central.


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So, any ideas?


This is what my v4 library folder (the folder in which according to the message an addon.xml should exist) looks like:



There is no addon.xml in there (and normally there should not be one.


Each of these subfolders includes an addon.xml (as they should be) e.g.:



To me these folders all look normal. I have no idea why I get this message and what to do to stop it from appearing. Just to say again that everything in the sim looks as it should be, nothing Orbx related that is in this library is missing as far as I can tell. It is just this message that I have to close once the sim starts and then at least two times again up to the start of the flight. Any help would be appreciated.




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Sorry Nick, I'm confused...


It actually does not exist in that location (and it should rightfully not exist imho). The problem is why is the sim trying to find an addon.xml at a location where there should not be one.

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Nick, please see again posts #8 and #10. I simply do not have such a file on my system (scenery_add-ons.xml). If I had I would gladly post it. I have asked if you mean something else (addon.cfg?).

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can you please go to your Windows File Explorer View Options and select "Show hidden files, folders and drives".

Also deselect "Hide extensions for known file types".


Then you should be able to see C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\scenery_add-ons.xml

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Thank you Nick (especially for your patience with me)! 


I did as above but I get the same message.


If it helps, the file was regenerated after the sync and its contents are the following:


      <Path>G:\Orbx v4\p3dv4\USDT Devils Tower\Orbx\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_DEVILSTOWER\scenery</Path>
      <Path>G:\Orbx v4\p3dv4\Yosemite National Park\Orbx\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_YOSEMITE\scenery</Path>



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