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Water replaced by terrain

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Hello, i'm having a problem with my terrain, and it's really getting on my nerve. My water is replaced by landscape terrain that looks like a desert, it's really annoying and I was hoping for an answer here.

Any help would be nice.


Here is what I mean:



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in order for the fix to work you must go through all the steps, one by one and in the correct order.


These are the steps:




2. Rename C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\terrain.cfg to terrain.cfg.off


3. Run P3D v4 once to create a new terrain.cfg file and close it.


4. Then run Sync Simulator in Orbx Central which will write back the Orbx entries.



You have done this




2. Rename C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\terrain.cfg to terrain.cfg.off


4. Then run Sync Simulator in Orbx Central which will write back the Orbx entries.



and created the error yourself.

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