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Having problems deleting PNW demo, and then installing full PNW


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First, I didn't know that the demo had to be uninstalled prior to installing the full dealie.  I also used the built in decompresser from Vista64.  So, from what I've since read here, two mistakes on my part.

I DID then do the 3 step process detailed on this board for deleting the demo,  when I go to "Reports" in FTX Central, it still shows the demo as being loaded,  and NO real PNW.

When I attempt to install the full scenery  (thinking that maybe, somehow, it will work this time!),  the FSS unwrapper runs for a few seconds, tells me it is done,  and then closes,  even before it asks for the validation numbers (although it did originally ask for these).

I am sorry if my mind is not organized,  but it's  just not, I guess.  :P

BTW,  here is what I get from the Reports in FTX Central:




What am I doing wrong??

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Hi TracyQ, and welcome to the forums

1, Set FTXcentral to default

2, Delete the ORBX folder

3, Have a look in Scenery\World\Scenery for any files beginning with ADE_FTX_PNW... and delete them

Then you should be fine to reinstall PNW

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Hi there,

if you've followed the three steps from http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=20003.0 you can disregard the "FTX NA BLUE PNW DEMO V1.10" entry because that's generated by a small text file that got installed with the demo. You can remove it manually, it's "FTX_NA_PNW_V1.10.TXT" in \ORBX\User Documents\Versions, but the full PNW installer and its patch 001 will overwrite it with the correct version number anyway.

Not sure why the unwrapper doesn't complete its job; have a look here: http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=1202.0

Cheers, Holger

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Thanks for the quick responses.

Thing is, I can't delete the ORBX folder?  I get a popup telling me that the folder is open in another program,  please close it, and try again.

But the only thing I have running is Windows Explorer,  and Firefox. !?

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OK,  shutting down the computer did allow me to delete the ORBX folder. 

When I originally d/l'd PNW,  I had over 7 Gigs of free space,  but but after d/l'ing,  it was down to around 1.5,  so this morning I was looking for programs to uninstall,  and free up some HDD space. 

If you could read this thread:  http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=35136,  you can see what I found (basically some FSX addons are taking up waaay more space than I would think they should),  including Tongass Fjiords.

Or maybe they should be taking up that much space?

P.S.  I haven't tried reinstalling PNW until I find out if these values are normal, or not.

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Hello Tracy.

you can safely ignore those control panel entries; I've had them on my computer for years and others do to. I don't know why exactly but it's possible that for an add-on that installs itself into several folders the control panel code just adds the total folder sizes together regardless of which specific files were added by the add-on. For example, PNW may add a couple of small files to a global folder that already contains 500MB of files.

Lack of free HD space seems to be the issue for you. The way PNW is set up is that you download the wrapped file packages, these then get unwrapped and combined to an installer package, and the installer then places these files into their correct positions. That means you need at least three times the HD space of the original download. If you cannot make that much space on your HD you could try placing the original download on another HD, so that the drive with PNW on it requires just two times the size of PNW. Or you could try burning the initial download onto DVD and start the process from there; alternatively, a USB 8GB memory stick should work too.

In general running with a HD that close to its capacity is not a good idea as it really slows down read/write operations.

Cheers, Holger

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holger, thanks a bunch for taking the time to explain all that.  I did suspect that HDD space might be a problem,  but did not understand the mechanics of it;  your explanation gives me a little more insight on how these confusers work.  :)

Also, apologies for taking so long to acknowledge your post,  I've been away from the internets ( ;D) for almost 2 weeks. 

I now have 21 Gigs free space on drive C,  and almost 60 Gigs on virtual drive D.  Should be good to go now, right?

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Just to let the crew know that PNW installed fine after I freed up enough HDD space, and of course,  it's beautiful.

Then imagine my surprise,  and delight, to find out that 5 "weather themes"  are included,  also!  I don't recall ever seeing this mentioned,  just more goodness of PNW!  Thanks,  this is a great product!

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