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Where Do Bug Reports Go For Non Working Products

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As the title implies/states Orbx Central FAILS to install either Florida HD and or Southern California HD.  I have gone through all the troubleshooting suggested in the Support Forum without success.  That leads me to believe that, as a Non-working product my request for support needs to go somewhere else in the Forums?  If so, where?


Thanks in advance.

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  • Doug Sawatzky changed the title to Where Do Bug Reports Go For Non Working Products

If Doug's suggestion doesn't work then the following is needed please


Need your XP Log from the XP directory.

Need your Orbx Central Log from Orbx Central/settings/help.

Both as attachments please and not pics.

Any error messages on screen.

Your disk drive(s) details with the amount of free space on each of them.

Confirm you have read the following 2 links and that you meet ALL the requirements in the first link or have made any necessary adjustments especially regarding the loacation of your Temp folder and free disk space.

The second link is for if you experienced any freezing etc when doing the download/install.

Ist Link


2nd link:



I will review your response later today as I am logging off now

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Gentlemen!  Thank you!  Going on the third day of attempting to install I've been successful in installing Florida HD, onto Southern California HD!  THANK YOU!!!!


I ended up changing the location of the Temp Location...  and, *POOF* It worked!  

Change TempLocation.png

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