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Constant Stutters with OpenLC North America

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Within the past month or so I started getting constant stutters or freeze frames from 1 to 5 seconds while using OpenLC NA. I had made no changes to my settings prior to this starting. I did isolate it to OpenLC NA by running each addon separately and then together. I'm normally getting 40-60 fps when this is happening. And it happens mostly in high-populated areas, like NYC. But it can happen anywhere, just more frequently in the NE USA. I am running P3d v4.5 with the hotfix3. The other add-ons are Global Base, Vector, Buildings, Trees, Active Sky and Skyforce. Adjusting the graphic settings does nothing to improve the stutters. Has there been a recent update to OLC NA recently?

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  • 2 weeks later...

That line in my sim's scenery library is grayed out. Can't be unchecked. Under options/ add-ons there is no sub folder for lights. Only the main folder for OLC NA. I will download  the tool and see if I have better luck.

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I used the Lorby Addon Organizer to deactivate FTX NA !OLC LIGHTS. The stutters have reduced to being almost unnoticeable, shorter in lenght, but not completely gone. Maybe once in a flight there will be one long freeze frame, up to 5 seconds. I have Hyperthreading turned off. I am also masking 4 of the 8 cores for P3D. It seems to help frame rates. Is there anything in the lights or any other folder that you are aware of that could be causing the stutters? This seemed to start only a few months ago, as if it were triggered by an update, because I hadn't changed any of my settings.


I don't know if you can help with this other issue because it deals with the Orbx Freeware airport pack. At KPSM, there seems to be one particular building, that when in view, reduces frame rates by as much as 20 fps. Also when making turns on the ground, the video is very jerky. This is odd, because at other airports, including custom Orbx add-ons, the video is smooth when making turns on the ground. The building doesn't seem to be anything extraordinarily high-def.


Thanks for the support!



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  • 1 month later...

I always run with lights not activated until I make a night flight and then I activate it first.  This issue that I have found with the lights is that, in addition to additional scenery being loaded up that are not needed during the day, the stutter occurs whenever load up in the distance.  They load up just like other autogen, in batches.  At least in my sim this causes a stutter when they load up.

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