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Sim fails to Load in all FL locations

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On loading flight,  SIM stops responding whenever I select a FL airport to start. I have TE-FL installed, but I also have WA, OR and NorCal and those areas load properly. I have been trying to work on 

Custom Scenery.ini file (attached), however it seems as all these packs are ordered in the same way. Appreciate any thoughts.

scenery_packs x.txt

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9 hours ago, kapenaalex said:

Thanks! but I'm finding that the problem may in fact be length of time to load, not failure to load.

The loading time will depend on the read/write speed of your disk drive on which the scenery is installed and to some extent on the XP settings. The higher the settings, the longer it can take, but this is fairly insignificant compared to the read/write capabilities of the disk drive.

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