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X-Plane 11 Crashes When Approaching True Earth Florida

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Hello...I'm just getting started with X-Plane and I installed the True Earth Florida scenery package as I initially learned how to fly in the NE Florida / SE Georgia region on the southeast Atlantic coast way back when was in high school.  Here's the problem.  After taking off from Saint Simons' Island (KSSI) and flying down the shoreline to Jacksonville, the sim crashes just before reaching the Florida state line (approximately the Saint Mary's river) when flying south above Cumberland Island.  It doesn't happen when flying north in the same area, so it has to be related to the scenery — and It didn't happen prior to adding the scenery.  Any ideas about what might be causing this?

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37 minutes ago, TallTanBarbie said:

Hello...I'm just getting started with X-Plane and I installed the True Earth Florida scenery package as I initially learned how to fly in the NE Florida / SE Georgia region on the southeast Atlantic coast way back when was in high school.  Here's the problem.  After taking off from Saint Simons' Island (KSSI) and flying down the shoreline to Jacksonville, the sim crashes just before reaching the Florida state line (approximately the Saint Mary's river) when flying south above Cumberland Island.  It doesn't happen when flying north in the same area, so it has to be related to the scenery — and It didn't happen prior to adding the scenery.  Any ideas about what might be causing this?

Hi. I need your XP Log file please. Attach it so I can see what errors are reported.

Do you get any on screen error message if you load a flight within TE Florida?

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Here are the log files.  I've only just started with X-Plane and I'm trying to configure all of the aircraft and plug-ins.


The first log file is taking off from KSSI and going south down the coast.

The second log file is taking off from KJAX and flying east.


I'm not sure what is wrong but this only happens with Florida so far.




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I see you are on the Steam version of XP of which I am afraid I know nothing about any nuances that there maybe in that version versus a downloaded or Disk copy of XP.

I want to ensure that the integrity of the TE Florida addon is in tact and therefore I need you to test that for me by doing the following.

Rename your current Custom Scenery folder to Custom Scenery.BAK

Make a new folder and name it Custom Scenery.

Reopen the Custom Scenery.BAK folder and make shortcuts for the following folders:

TE Florida Custom/Overlay & Orthos.

If these were installed into your copy of XP via a self created Library then you must make sure that the individual folders of Custom/Overlay & Orthos are made as shortcuts. I say that because if TE Florida was installed into a library then it was linked to your Custom Scenery folder via a symbolic link and therefore it won't actually shortcut the 3 folders we need. You would need to double click on the TE Florida folder in Custom Scenery.BAK. It would the show Custom Scenery/Te Florida, double click, TE Florida Custom/Overlay/Orthos. It is those files we want shortcuts for.

If you installed TE Florida direct into your XP directory, then simply open the folder of TE Florida and make shortcuts of the 3 files and move the shortcuts to the new Custom Scenery folder.

Then move those shortcuts into your new Custom Scenery folder.

Make shortcut for Global Airports and move to the new Custom Scenery folder

Run XP and exit immediately.

Open the Custom Scenery folder and look at scenery_packs.ini and make sure that TE Florida files are below Global Airports in the order of 


Global Airports

TE Florida Csutom

TE Florida Overlay

TE Florida Orthos.


Try a flight in TE Florida and don't use any plugins, just a pure flight from an airport in TE Florida without ATC etc.The purpose of this test, which by the way takes longer to write the process than it does to do the necessary folder renames and shortcuts, is to make sure that TE Florida is working OK. I have a feeling that for some reason or other  some plugin is causing the problem. I could well be wrong but as this is an Orbx product support  forum I need to ensure that the Orbx addon is working.

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This is the current structure of the XP Custom Scenery directory.  TE Florida is already in there via symlink through Orbx Central.  Clicking on the symlink shortcut does take you to the Orbx XP library.    It will take some time to copy all this so I'll get back to you.





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17 minutes ago, TallTanBarbie said:

This is the current structure of the XP Custom Scenery directory.  TE Florida is already in there via symlink through Orbx Central.  Clicking on the symlink shortcut does take you to the Orbx XP library.    It will take some time to copy all this so I'll get back to you.





No need to copy me with the pics. Just drag the 3 Florida folders into the new Custom Scenery folder from the existing Custom scenery folder you need to rename temporarily as Custom Scenry.BAK along with Global Airports. That's all you need to do. Then do a test flight from within Florida to see if TE Florida is working OK.

Should only take a couple of minutes.

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OK. The only files/folders in the Custom Scenery directory are now Global Airports and Orbx A/B/C TE Florida Custom, Overlay, and Orthos.

The scenery_packs.ini file was re-created after starting XP:


1000 Version

SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Global Airports/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Florida_TE_Custom/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_US_Florida_TE_Overlay/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_US_Florida_TE_Orthos/


Did a simple take off from Rwy 26 at KJAX in the Milviz T310R and flew straight out.  XP crashed after I was about four miles west of the field.




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With the same abbreviated  Custom Scenery folder do another identical flight, but remove all non-Laminar plugins from the XP plugin folder and put them safely somewhere else like the desktop. If a CTD occurs again immediately attach the log.txt file again.

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OK, so I guess you are doing the step by step process of elimination thing.  Took off from KJAX Rwy 14 and flew up the coast to Saint Simons.  No CTD this time.  I don't know how to set the time yet in XP (and the FS Real Time program is off so no default sunrise/sunset) so flew in the dark (it's night on the east coast).  Night lighting is much more realistic than in FSX/P3D — could even see the McKinnon airport beacon from 20NM away like in real life.  The only thing that's missing is the big Korean car transport ship that overturned in the river between Saint Simons and Jekyll Island last year just south of the airport (it's still be there until they slice it up).  Landed at KSSI on Rwy 04 and taxied back to the ramp.  So what's next?  Just add stuff back one step at at time?



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2 hours ago, TallTanBarbie said:

OK, so I guess you are doing the step by step process of elimination thing.  Took off from KJAX Rwy 14 and flew up the coast to Saint Simons.  No CTD this time.  I don't know how to set the time yet in XP (and the FS Real Time program is off so no default sunrise/sunset) so flew in the dark (it's night on the east coast).  Night lighting is much more realistic than in FSX/P3D — could even see the McKinnon airport beacon from 20NM away like in real life.  The only thing that's missing is the big Korean car transport ship that overturned in the river between Saint Simons and Jekyll Island last year just south of the airport (it's still be there until they slice it up).  Landed at KSSI on Rwy 04 and taxied back to the ramp.  So what's next?  Just add stuff back one step at at time?




We are getting there slowly but surely. Yes it has to be a process of elimination I'm afraid as it is very hard to spot a problem without being at the users PC.

Anyway, yes to your question about adding things one step at a time.

Since you had a successful flight with no non Laminar plugins it may be a plugin clash causing the CTDs.

I suggest adding the airports you have which are currently not many and mainly the ones that come with XP. I also suggest you add just one plugin and then do a test flight and proceed with that process until you get a CTD, at which point we will immediately need the XP Log file, attached and not a pic please.

Can you name the plugins you have please as it will help. If you also use the Fly With Lua plugin what Lua scripts have you installed.

The XP log file is generated evreytime you make a flight so it is a "moving" log, hence the need to attach it immediately after you get a CTD. It should help find the cause of the CTD.

Regarding time of  day and month & Year in XP. In the Flight Configuration page you will see the Time option just under the Weather option. If you click on that it opens up a calandar type option where you can set the year, month and time. 

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Here's what I have. I don't have Fly With Lua I don't think.  I'm trying to set up X-Plane the way that I have FSX/P3D running.  Unless I'm flying in VR mode I just use the simulator as a terrain view image generator and use external devices to fly the aeroplane.  I have several Saitek radio and switch/button panels, FS Global Real Weather, Active Sky XP, Spad.Next, XPUIPC, a GMA 300 audio control box from Real Sim Gear, the Flight 1 Aviation Tech GTN750/650,  G1000, and GA Panel, FS Real Time, and various airports and global terrain that came with the Steam X-Plane package. I have a computer that does weather and maps over the network and another remote computer for the instrument panel display.  Other plugins are for the different aircraft models and I also have some of the REP packs from X-Plane.org.


I've not been able to get everything working — especially the Spad.Next interface for the Saitek switch and radio panels.  I have been able to get the virtual FIP gauges working on the instrument panel computer with Spad.Next.  The F1 Aviation Tech (not F1 Software) is  kinda / sorta working but I've also had fits getting it to work with X-Plane and communicating over the network.  Thanks for the information.Project_Daedalus.thumb.jpg.3db09c82fc2437202cc262fad49ea9f0.jpg



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Nice setup there. I really do think it is a clash of one or more plugins rather than a problem with TE Florida.

Based on that conclusion, and seeing your plugins list and knowing what you are trying to achieve have you thought about making your enquiries on the X-plane.org website?

Since TE Florida is working as designed I am not sure I can offer any more support as the next stages of your ambitions in XP are non Orbx related and would probably be dealt with better  by the very knowledgeable people over at the linked forums.

Here is the link:


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