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France scenery is blurred after crossing English channel

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P3D v4.5, PMDG 777 200LR/F, flying from Edinburgh to Paris, my fifth flight and on-going problems after I cross the English Channel, England scenery perfect, go into French airspace and very sandy looking.  I have reinstalled LC Europe.  I have many Orbx products and completely lost as to why this is.  I can depart Paris CDG and fly to say Germany, Austria and all OK. Any help please?



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is open LC Europe the only Orbx scenery product that you have installed?

It looks like your PC is not coping with its workload.


Instead of using your phone, you can take screenshots either with the V key in P3D or the Print Screen key.

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Hi Nick, I just rebooted my sim and loaded a restore point as I do this every five minutes, Now I am flown across the channel and I have scenery.  Either by reinstalling LC Europe again it works or maybe it does not and I will retry the full flight later this afternoon.  Please keep this post live and I will report back regardless later as a matter of courtesy. 


Trust you are safe and well where ever you are in the World.

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Hi Nick, I started the flight again and everything fine over the U.K.  As soon as I have started to cross the English channel I get the following.






The next picture is showing the English coast behind, as you may see in green and fine




Two pictures are of my Orbx products, I do have other airports including Paris CDG which I have been trying to fly to before this problem.  I have completed other flights in an Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 800 within Europe with no issues.


Thanks for the help Nick, as I am totally lost.  I have not installed Orbx Trueearth Netherlands HD as I never got to be be able to fly into the airport with this installed due to elevation errors.  My friend who is much better technically and I did everything you and others said with no successful outcome.



Orbx 1.jpg

Orbx 2.jpg

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Morning Nick, carried out the flight twice, once last night and the other as I type this email, no better sorry to say.  First picture looking back at UK coastline crossing the English channel and the second approaching French coast and the third well into French airspace.  

TEGB unticked in Addons







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It works!  I reconnected TEGB and then disconnected it again and each time rebooting the computer and I have it working.




Why does it work now and not last night or earlier this morning?


I am helping out at a school kitchen in Paphos today to help cook meals for the people who are out of work or have no money


I hope to fly later or tomorrow.


Thanks for all your help Nick.  Where are you? in the UK?



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2 hours ago, LaurieLourensz said:

Can I please ask you one question, having so many Orbx products and airports, does this slow your frame rate down?


Not the frame rate, just the scenery detail.


If you know you're just going to fly from UK to France and nowhere else, you can try unticking every other addon scenery in your library.  I had less blurriness in TE England during testing by unticking everything else, even distant sceneries.  I have no idea why but it seems the old FSX engine loads something from all active sceneries into the memory and when your machine is working flat out, that little bit of extra load seems to make a difference.


Anyway it may or may not make a difference.  For sceneries in your 'normal' P3D scenery library you can use the freeware Scenery Config Editor to highlight many entries and untick as a batch.

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Hi Nick or John, just flew into Luton from Alicante, over Europe no problem, into British airspace again and major problems, TEGB is still unticked


Please see pics, thanks Laurie











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I just did a test flight into France witht he default F22 from EGLC and I'm not seeing what you're seeing.


Using a complicated aircraft can have a big impact.  PMDG are especially renowned for being hard on systems.  All I can recommend is that you pause the flight mid channel and save it.  Exit Scenario and reload the saved flight, your France scenery should now load as clear as if you start in France.  Annoying but not as annoying as the blurred scenery.


Your system is marginal for what you are trying to fly unfortunately, generally for PMDG planes and TE Scenery theses days you need a 9900K and a 2080 graphics card. 







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Hi John, I save my flight every five minutes and when I reload the flight the scenery is fine.  My only issue is why now?  I have been flying with no issues apart from Netherland True Earth which I disabled.


Is the True Earth causing conflick's with the True Earth scenery although I have at Nick's suggestion disabled TREB


Thank you for coming back to me, Laurie

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Sorry to come back again, I uninstalled TE Gt Britain South, North, Central and Orbx Libraries and as you know unticked TEGB and flying into the UK on a new flight all is well.  Why would this be?  Have I wasted money on these products bearing in mind I still cannot use TE Netherlands as I have problems with Amsterdam airport.  I am really confused

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