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can some one please inform me of hoe to get jet ways to work in X-plane 11. I have Orbx England Central and South, which I also came with a World Jetway's Download Free , this I could not get to work Around the same time I purchased from another supplier a copy of EGCC Manchester,  which also came with a free copy, which again I can not get to work. So I tried a more direct way and Purchased a copy of World Jetway's  but what a sunrise i can not get that to work. 

  I know since I retired to Shropshire, my brain cells are now slowly slipping away, my eye sight is not was it was, I can have my teeth filled by post., and I have to replace the batteries in my hearing aids more often but I would love to be able to sit and watch the Jetway at my favorite Airport to come out and work like it should.

 Can some one please tell me what I am doing wrong, when I try to activate them I get the message wrong email, o activation code.   I do not have an activation code

Which way now ?

 Thanks for reading this.


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@Mochafd I have no experience in the addon World Jetways but I read the following:

"WorldJetways places animated jetways in every default airport. They can be commanded either automatically or manually. It requires Scenery Animation Manager 2 to work"

The important wording there is it applies jetways to Default XP Gateway airports. It doesn't mention anything about payware addon airports.

A few of questions for you:

What version of XP are you using?

Is the "favourite" airport you refer to the addon EGCC and if so who was the developer? I assume not the Orbx version

I would suggest you maybe ask your question at the developers support forum.

Do you have SAM 2 installed as well in order for World Jetways to work?

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Hi Guys 

Thank you all for your suggestions to my problem,  flight simulator  program reminds me of having our first child, he came with no instruction but good friends and a few books helped we ended up with 4 children, all turned out perfectly.  so onward and upward, so long as we land properly every time we take off  all will be well.

Thank you all again for your support .


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