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EDBH solar panels issue

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I just migrated EDBH from P3Dv4 dir to my library, as part of my considerations for a moving to v5. The migration went ok, but on testing I noticed this problem near the airport. I went back, verified files, and tried again but same result.




Presumably this is wrong?

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Thanks Nick, that sorted it.


Would this have been because I've just put EDBH into the library system but everything else including GEN is still in the old layout (in scenery.cfg)? It all looks to be in the correct order if I look via Lorby's AO. I've avoided using the Library and xml options in the past but am probably going to use it for v5 as I plan to use that as an opportunity for a fresh start for P3D and will only port across stuff that can be installed natively.


While I'm here, can I ask - presumably running a "verify files" on a package via Central will reinstate/reinstall any such files that have been ".off 'ed"? Having a handy batch file for all the various renames might be a good idea in that case.

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I saw the same and all my scenery is inside the P3D folder.

I am not sure if the EDBH installer disables the GEN files, if GEN is already installed.

That would be the normal course of events, in which case, a verify files of the airport would do the renaming.



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