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TE on a test installation

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I am a very new user to the UK south and central True Earth scenery.

I have the Orbx files in their own folder and not part of Xplane as I was given that choice during the install.

Xplane and Orbx are on the same drive though.

I now have a test 11.50 Beta version of Xplane on the same drive, is it possible to link the Orbx scenery to the test install as well as leaving it active for my main Xplane folder?

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here are a couple of images to help you out.


Here is the drop down menu that should have all X Plane 11 versions in it.

Hovering the mouse cursor over each one will show you which is which.




Click on the gear icon above the yellow line to open the Settings page.



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7 hours ago, Trevor-Matthews said:

Had a chance to look again and despite having two Xplane installations on the D: drive, one called X-Plane 11 and one called X-Plane 11 V2, I do not have a drop down box.

It simply says X-Plane11 at the top.

Have you clicked on the little down arrow where it shows your installed sims? It only shows one installation, the current one being used, unless you click on the down arrow.

Also check in Local Disk/Users/your name/AppData/local and scroll down until you see text file called x-plane_install_11.

Open it an it should show you the number and locations of your installed XP. If you second version is not listed then you can add it by following the format> For example if your v2 is missing then you would write on the nest available line:

D:\X-Plane V2




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