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Texture issue


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Just installed Global, open LC north america and vector into my p3dv4.5 and I have the following issues.

This is just after takeoff from KELP runway 26L.  Out in the West Texas desert, the mountains have no green on them.

Just typical desert type mountains.  Also have night textures at the base of the mountain.  I have tried the sticky suggestions for blocks and have searched the forums for hours with no fix.  Any ideas?






BsdxwyP.jpg abqmMWP.jpg

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Hello Doug!


Thanks for your help.  I verified the files for OpenLC NA as you suggested.  Looks much better but still not right.  Take a look a the mountain and there are still patches and blotches of green where it should just be a desert mountain.  No forest or greenery out in El Paso Tx.


Thanks again for your help



yqGsJ2L.jpg yqGsJ2L.jpg YldMwL6.jpg

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Thanks Doug.  I just want to make sure everything is working correct.  Below is a screenshot I took landing on KELP runway 22 before installing the Orbx stuff.   I grew up in El Paso and did my Private Pilot training out there.  The screenshot below is more representative of the area. Sorry for the poor quality, it was taken with my phone.  In any case, I will enjoy my Orbx!







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I am intrigued that you tried the "sticky topic" and yet still needed to verify files.

This is the first line of the advice in that topic:


First run Verify files for Global Base and for all your open LC products.


Did you do that or is the topic in need of editing?

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Hello Nick,


I performed the sticky topic steps several times.  Only on the last try did I realize I had verified files for base, lc, and vector but not library. Maybe that had something to do with it. Also the sim would crash every time I renamed the lookup file and I believe that’s because I had not verified the library files.  No doubt my fault “user error” for not paying close attention and not noticing “library” in the steps.


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