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Hi all.


I know there is no support for XP Vulkan beta at present but I wanted to highlight an issue the TE GB series


This screenshot is me descending into EGBB on track BUZAD > DTY > OLIVE3 arrival. 

As you can see, the scenery stops drawing. 


I have a GTX 1080 8GB and graphics memory usage is reporting 3550GB in XP settings.


I have included my scenery_ini for your perusal.


Is this an issue your side or XP's?


I have only just purchased the three GB regions, so have no prior experience of TE before Vulkan.


Thnaks for your help





scenery issue.png



Hi Sentry11.


I disabled Activesky and restored default sky and cloud textures.


The result is still the same, I'm afraid:



30K Phantom.png


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