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Failure to install on 16 separate occasions

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Operating system:  Win10

Simulator:  X-plane 11

Screenshot:  central.log

Issue:  I have tried to install your products for months on end. I have been given error after error after error. I have 500 GB free on the library location, on the download location and my x-plane 11 folder. I install a fresh version of x-plane 11, I run your installer and I wake up the next morning after downloading all of the files... Great I can play my flight simulator!!!! CTD!!!! CTD!!!! CTD!!!!1 COULD NOT LOCATE THIS FILE!!!!1 COULD NOT LOCATE THAT FILE!!!!! Repeat this process 16 times on 16 nights and you start to feel how livid I am at your products and their unbelievably deplorable state... The amount of MONEY I SPENT on these products to receive this type of experience is disgusting frankly!


Does anyone know what to do... Or shall I file a paypal dispute and get my money back?


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28 minutes ago, kaiser-swaghelm said:


Operating system:  Win10

Simulator:  X-plane 11

Screenshot:  central.log

Issue:  I have tried to install your products for months on end. I have been given error after error after error. I have 500 GB free on the library location, on the download location and my x-plane 11 folder. I install a fresh version of x-plane 11, I run your installer and I wake up the next morning after downloading all of the files... Great I can play my flight simulator!!!! CTD!!!! CTD!!!! CTD!!!!1 COULD NOT LOCATE THIS FILE!!!!1 COULD NOT LOCATE THAT FILE!!!!! Repeat this process 16 times on 16 nights and you start to feel how livid I am at your products and their unbelievably deplorable state... The amount of MONEY I SPENT on these products to receive this type of experience is disgusting frankly!


Does anyone know what to do... Or shall I file a paypal dispute and get my money back?


Also please read this link and confirm you have met ALL the requirements especially of disk space on the drive you are downloading onto and , if a separate drive, the drive you are installing onto. I know you say you have 500GB free on the drive with your Library, but where are your download files going prior to the installation process.

What Orbx addons are you trying to install?


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9 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

Also please read this link and confirm you have met ALL the requirements especially of disk space on the drive you are downloading onto and , if a separate drive, the drive you are installing onto. I know you say you have 500GB free on the drive with your Library, but where are your download files going prior to the installation process.

What Orbx addons are you trying to install?




Thank you for your response I am trying to install Innsbruck and GB south

I'll have a look at where the downloads are going and get back to you

I will have a good look at this link too. Many thanks for taking the time to try and help me


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9 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


welcome to the forums.

Please run X Plane 11 to the point where you see the error messages, close it and then and attach

a copy of the X Plane 11 log to your next post.

I will move this to the X Plane 11 forum.



Thank you for your reply Nick, I appreciate it. I will do as you have stated and reply

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9 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

Also please read this link and confirm you have met ALL the requirements especially of disk space on the drive you are downloading onto and , if a separate drive, the drive you are installing onto. I know you say you have 500GB free on the drive with your Library, but where are your download files going prior to the installation process.

What Orbx addons are you trying to install?


It is definitely downloading to the drive with 500gb free :(

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7 hours ago, kaiser-swaghelm said:

No idea why but this time it just said missing scenery rather than crashiLog.txtng but heres the file anyway

Orbx is not supporting problems occurring with XP11.50 Beta

I will however support you if you have already installed an Orbx addon into XP v11.40/41 and want that addon to appear in 11.50 B

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This has nothing to do with the beta! This is an Orbx problem, that has been occurring for me since long, LONG before I ever installed the vulkan beta


No matter how many times I click verify files it always gives me  this message?! What an absolutely god awful program this is. Why would anyone release something so incapable of doing it's job correctly.

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I am afraid that the problems you are having are unique to you and do not reflect the product nor the installation programme as it is completely successful in installing and working in almost all the customers. Where there have been installation problems it has normally been because of lack of free disk space and the Support team have helped those customers to a successful conclusin

To call the products as "god awful" is completely unnecessary and also not factual.

There is something wrong your end not with Orbx nor the installation process.

We can only offer support when we know all the details of the problem. so far you have just posted pics showing there are files missing.

You have never responded to my question regarding meeting ALL the requirements in the link on how to install True Earth addons. You only replied that you are confirming that the installation, attempt, is going to your 500Gb drive. 

Have you created a library  or are you trying to install direct into XP directory?

 Where is your Temp folder located?

Have you cleared your Temp folder as suggested with in the linked How to install TE addons? #Have you got backup downloads? If so delete them because you may be Verifying Files from a corrupt backup copy of the addons.

All this info is needed to enable further assitance.

Regarding XP beta. Your log files showed you have been trying to install into the beta XP, that is why I mentioned about no support.

The fact that you have apparently tried to install previously into 11.40/41 (?) is something you may wish to attempt now.

Also why have you waited "months" to get assistance?

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On 4/9/2020 at 11:11 AM, Nick Cooper said:

Hello kaiser-swaghelm,

please clear the Orbx temp folder and remove the backup that you created for the Orbx Libraries.

Then uninstall the Orbx Libraries and reinstall them.

The combative tone of your posts is not helping anyone.

I have already tried this multiple times i'm afraid. I tried again last night. Cleared both temp and backup and reinstalled Orbx libraries. Loaded the game and the 'this area has no scenery' error arrived :(  

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19 minutes ago, kaiser-swaghelm said:

I have already tried this multiple times i'm afraid. I tried again last night. Cleared both temp and backup and reinstalled Orbx libraries. Loaded the game and the 'this area has no scenery' error arrived :(  

Lets try again from the beginning:

Attach your XP log please.

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2 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

Lets try again from the beginning:

Attach your XP log please.

Would you kindly go away please... I am quite being helped by Nick. I don't need your help, nor want your help Jon. 


X-plane log has already been attached, now please go away Jon. I have spent my entire week working for a charity delivering food and medication to people who are in isolation because of this pandemic. All I have asked for, is help. If you can't be bothered to do so, I suggest you find something else to occupy your time, that doesn't involve insulting me. 

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