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FrameRate Impact on FSX


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hi everyone.  i am new to this but i have an issue with the demo of iceland that i downloaded.  while the scenery looks amazing and i would love to see more, I can't.  the impoact that this demo has on my frame-rate makes the game unplayable.  while just sitting at the airport i get only 6-9FPS.  I have 16gb of ram and a 8gb video card so i am not sure that how that is possible.  can someone please help me is there something that i am not doing that will make this work at a proper framerate.  thank you

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FSX performance depends much more on the processor than the video card.  But a good starting point to better frame rates would be to work the FSX sliders leftward starting with autogen and scenery complexity.  Change one slider at a time and observe results.  How much have you flown in FSX?  Some more info on your rig might be helpful. 

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I’m having the same problem, it just happens near Reykjavik Area, the rest of the scenario runs well.
According to the documentation it seems the demo also comes with a a photoreal cityscape area to Reykjavik.

is there a way to disable it? I would like to know if my system (old i3 2.9 ghz, 8 gb ram, intel 4400) which works at 40fps on default scenario will be capable to run Orbx.


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