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Strange thing

when i fly in Congo in a AN2, at 100 feet i got FPS 30-40. when land no problem

when i idle at the airport the FSP drops to 2.7. and when i start flying again it goes back to 30-40.  never had that problem in other regions.

i run a 5930x CPU and a 2070 Super sli config and 64 gb ram. all scenery installed on ssd/


what could be causing this?

best regards


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Hello Leon,

I see rain on the windscreen and it is a fault with that aircraft that standing

still in falling rain will diminish the framerate to single figures.

I have the otherwise superb aircraft and it is an accepted fault which will be

fixed by its developer.

Most users find that the frame rate returns once the aircraft starts to move.

You can see it happening in this series of images.









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