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Support request- TE GB South


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You are about to post into the X Plane 11 BUG REPORT forum. This forum is for reporting BUGS in a working Orbx X Plane 11 product.

A BUG is defined as a product that is working as it should but there is a problem with the working product.

Please review your request before posting into this forum.

A request for support with a product that does not work should be placed into the X Plane 11 Support forum.

MY TRANSACTION ID 5e73d4f0a20a0.


Screenshot (1).png


scenery_packs.ini Log.txt

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@Nick Cooper Please move this Nick to the XP support forum as it is not a Bug but a support request. Thanks.

@WHINVIEW Your scenery packs was layered wrong and so i have rearranged the layering. You had X-Europe masking the TEGB addons. All Orbx True Earth addons need to go just under Global Airports not above. X-Europe needs to go below Global Airports and TE addons. The Aerosoft airports need to go above Global Airports as do the 2 Demo, LOWI and KSEA airports.

See if the rearranged scenery pack helps.


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1 hour ago, WHINVIEW said:

Thank you Jon for the advice. I have a problem rearranging the layering. I have windows 10 and can’t see how to move the folders up and down. Can you help further?

I have done all the rearranging for you.

You need to place the scenery_packs.ini I attached in my previous post. Place that into your XP Custom Scenery folder allowing it to replace the existing one.

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I have read your last XP Log again and it is indicating that your TEGB installation is not complete probably due to lack of free disk space.

Here is the extract from your log:

The terrain file 'terrain/a910x10160x17.ter' could not be located.

Failed to find resource 'terrain/abc0xfea0x17M.ter', referenced from scenery package 'Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/'

This indicates that the required Conversion process from jpg imagery to dds format imagery was not completed.

What disk did you perform the download to and was the addon installed onto a different disk than the one you downloaded to?

You would require at least 70GB of free disk space on the download disk, and at least 150GB of free space on the disk to which you are installing.

If it is the same disk being used for download and installation then you are looking for around 200GB of free space initially, a lot of which will be reclaimed when the installation is complete.

Do you meet those requirements?




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I did have trouble downloading.  My 'C' drive is solid state and only 117GB.  So I amended the downloader to my 'D' drive which is 1000 GB and 300GB free.  Latest XP log attached.

I really appreciate you helping me and you probably realise I'm a total newbie.


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Hi Jon


Just looked at your suggested .ini file. You say that All Orbx True Earth addons need to go just under Global Airports not above however I notice that Orbx...Needles is above Global Airports?

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3 hours ago, Bassman said:

Hi Jon


Just looked at your suggested .ini file. You say that All Orbx True Earth addons need to go just under Global Airports not above however I notice that Orbx...Needles is above Global Airports?

Needles is a revised part of TEGB South which made it a landable helipad. It has an ICAO code and is now therefore to be considered an "airport". As such it needs to go above Global Airports. You may also notice, as some have seen, that if it is below Global Airports, you can have a duplicate lighthouse. Above Global Airports and you don't have that, and the helideck is landable. You will also note that it doesn't mention TE (True Earth) in it's title. It's naming/title is similar to Orbx airports and not a TE product, hence it goes above Global Airports. 

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Your latest Log File is still indicating missing files.

In order to resolve this issue I am afraid you may be better off reinstalling the addon. Before we try that I need you to open your TEB South Orthos folder. Open the terrain folder and in the search bar put a910x10160x17.ter   I also want you then to go to the textures folder in TEGB South Orthos and in the search box enter .jpg (dot jpg) If the search finds some jpg files it confirms that the conversions have not completed.

If it finds that file a910x10160x17.ter then I want you to delete it. I then want you to run the Verify Files again for TEGB South using that option in Orbx Central. You do that by opening Orbx Central/My Products/TEGB South. It will then open a page on the right of the screen showing TEGB South. Scroll down until you see the Options, then click on Verify Files. Because you will have removed that specific file it should pick that up and redownload it, and hopefully do any further conversion etc that are required.

If the issue still persists after that then we nee.d to uninstall and reinstall.

Before we do a reinstall let me know the results of the actions I have asked you to perform above.


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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to Support request- TE GB South

Hi Jon,

There isn’t a terrain folder in TEB South folder. 
Can’t find the .ter file. 
Textures folder contains numerous jpg files. 

To save you time, I will have to uninstall and reinstall but will await your advice about the best way of going about it such as is there a need to amend the .ini file after uninstall and before reinstall?


Once again, many thanks for your help. 

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OK. Use Orbx Central to uninstall.

Prior to reinstall open Orbx Central and go to Settings/Downloader. Tick the option Check Disk Space. In your D drive create a file called Temp. Then Edit the path to that folder like in the pic below. By default, the download would go into the Temp folder which is normally in C drive but you don't have enough space in that drive, hence we need to download to your larger drive. In my pic you will see I have my Temp folder in my E drive having created it as that drive is a 2TB drive. Make sure that you don't tick the option to Backup as this will mean even more disk space will be occupied.

After you have uninstalled TEGB South reboot the PC and then proceed with the directions I have given.


Keep the scenery_packs.ini that I gave you because it should still be valid after your reinstall. Once you have reinstalled TEGB South run XP and then exit. Open Custom Scenery and find the scenery_packs.ini file and delete it. Put the one I gave you in it's place.

Good luck.




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Jon, I have managed to uninstall via Orbx but after rebooting, I see that TEGB Folders custom, overlay and orthos are still in custom scenery folder. Is this ok?  I haven’t tried reinstalling yet. 

i feel a serious headache coming on. 

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51 minutes ago, WHINVIEW said:

Will do Jon. Re scenery_pack.ini, I notice that X-Plane Landmarks - London is above TEGB - is this correct or should it be moved below like the other X-Planes?

No, because it relates to the London landmarks that need to be displayed above TEGB South. If they are not there then you will not see London buildings properly as the "void" will be filled by default XP buildings.


37 minutes ago, WHINVIEW said:

Jon, I have managed to uninstall via Orbx but after rebooting, I see that TEGB Folders custom, overlay and orthos are still in custom scenery folder. Is this ok?  I haven’t tried reinstalling yet. 

i feel a serious headache coming on. 

Delete them. Then open Orbx Central and see if it offers the Install option for TEGB South.

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Before I got your reply, I ran X plane and selected airfield in GB Central.  I got the "no file loaded" error message which never previously appeared. Screenshot attached.  Do you think this will clear after I reinstall TEGB South?

Screenshot (4).png

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What OS system are you on, Mac or Windows? I have never seen the Test File message before in my XP.

Attach the scenery_pack.ini again or tell me if TEGB South appears in it. If you have uninstalled it and deleted the remnant files the it shouldn't be referenced in there at all.

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OK there is no mention of TEGB South only TEGB Central. Go ahead now and install TEGB South via a fresh download with Orbx Central, assuming you have done all the necessary prework like creating a new Temp folder and Editing the path to that folder as i outlined previously and illustrated with a pic.

It will take you a while and I have to go now so i will check your progress if you make a new post for me to read tomorrow morning UK time.

Good luck

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5 hours ago, WHINVIEW said:


Everything now working great.  Man, many thanks for your help.  Hopefully will not need to trouble you again.


What a saga eh? Anyway, glad to be of help, but I hope not to hear from you at least for quite a while:lol:

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