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Forida True Earth anomalie


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2 hours ago, tim737murphy said:

Dont pass out when you see the amount of entries in my scenery

scenery_packs.ini 42.53 kB · 2 downloads

Having now fully recovered via extensive use of an oxygen tent, I have rearranged your scenery_packs.ini :lol:

As there is no indication of exactly where the pic you posted is taken from, i.e. coordinates or nearest airport and flight direction, it is hard to determine the anomaly's cause.

There were substantial potential causes due to incorrect layering which i have amended. One such issue was the layering of SFD Global which was above Global Airports and therefore had the possibility of overwriting some ground textures. You also have still got the 3 ortho4xp tiles enables as in my pic below which I doubt are causing an anomaly but could be disabled to test if they are.

 If the revised scenery_packs.ini does not remove the anomaly, I advise that you create a new folder called Custom Scenery. Rename the existing folder as Custom Scenery_DISABLED. Leave that folder in the XP directory along with the new Custom Scenery folder. Ipen the old Custom Scenery folder now labelled as Custom Scenery_DISABLED, and make short cuts for the 3 TE Florida files & Global Airports. Now run XP and exit and check that the newly created little scenery_packs.ini has Global Airports at the top and then TE Florida/Custom/Overlay/Orthos. The do a flight in the same area as your pic. Report back. If the anomaly is not there any more then you will know that it is another addon that is causing the problem. If it is still there, then run the Verify Files option for TE Florida.

Here's the revised scenery pack plus a pic of the nearby Ortho4xp files that I refer to above.




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I have just flown for the first time over TrueEarth Florida with the Zibo as all my other flights where smaller aircraft.  I was just about to blame this on my 

new Nvidia Game Ready Driver I had downloaded earlier but thought I better go to the Orbx Forum to see if anyone else reported this Blue 

Haze at high altitudes when flying over TrueEarth Florida.     It's pretty horrible.   Thought it was not their on second flight but then noticed most of

it was being covered by clouds up in front of me.   When I passed those clouds it was like flying in a blue haze that is not noticed when you get down 

to a certain altitude.   I parked my plane at the gate and took my camera and ventured way up over the clouds but it doesn't appear doing it that way.

I'll wait to see what you guys come up with.   Thanks.. 




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Any haze you see is nothing to do with TE Florida. TE Florida only covers ground textures. It will be a XP setting which I cannot assist with.

I looked at your scenery_packs.ini and it is not correctly layered as far as where Orbx addons should be placed. Have you moved them from where the Orbx Central installer would have placed them, or are you using something like X-Organiser?

Place the 3 files of TE Florida  in this order Custom/Overlay/Orthos directly below Global Airports. When you enable the other TE series addons place them in the same manner and place in your scenery-packs.

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Hi Jon.   Are you asking me that question or the original poster?  If me, I am using X-Organizer and have always had them placed exactly where they 

are .   C is on bottom, then B and A on top. .  The only difference with Florida is that they have a Florida Global airports or something like in their. 

I placed it above Global airports which is the only one placed above.   But that wouldn't have anything to do with what we are seeing.   I have tried 

to lower my Texture Quality down from Maximum to High to make sure it wasn't blowing through a VRAM Limit but that wasn't it.   I also did what 

I said i was going to do in the first place and roll back the Graphics Driver and that wasn't in either.  I am getting ready to do one more flight NOT 

in Florida to see if that shows up in another part of the US.  Doing True Earth Northern Cali from Sacramento down to LAX.   I have pictures of what

I am seeing and where exactly on a map this is showing up which is the same place every time.   The flight in Florida is KFLL to KMCO. 

b738_4k - 2020-02-29 08.48.46.png


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18 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

Having now fully recovered via extensive use of an oxygen tent, I have rearranged your scenery_packs.ini :lol:

As there is no indication of exactly where the pic you posted is taken from, i.e. coordinates or nearest airport and flight direction, it is hard to determine the anomaly's cause.

There were substantial potential causes due to incorrect layering which i have amended. One such issue was the layering of SFD Global which was above Global Airports and therefore had the possibility of overwriting some ground textures. You also have still got the 3 ortho4xp tiles enables as in my pic below which I doubt are causing an anomaly but could be disabled to test if they are.

 If the revised scenery_packs.ini does not remove the anomaly, I advise that you create a new folder called Custom Scenery. Rename the existing folder as Custom Scenery_DISABLED. Leave that folder in the XP directory along with the new Custom Scenery folder. Ipen the old Custom Scenery folder now labelled as Custom Scenery_DISABLED, and make short cuts for the 3 TE Florida files & Global Airports. Now run XP and exit and check that the newly created little scenery_packs.ini has Global Airports at the top and then TE Florida/Custom/Overlay/Orthos. The do a flight in the same area as your pic. Report back. If the anomaly is not there any more then you will know that it is another addon that is causing the problem. If it is still there, then run the Verify Files option for TE Florida.

Here's the revised scenery pack plus a pic of the nearby Ortho4xp files that I refer to above.

scenery_packs.ini 42.53 kB · 1 download



Thanks Jon will give that a try. Working all weekend.  Greatly appreciate your time and effort. You rock. 


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@jonesm35205 have you placed the 3 TE Florida files just below Global Airports as I suggested?

I repeat that your scenery_packs.ini is not layered in the correct format for the Orbx addons. X-Organiser is a wonderful tool for XP but doesn't always work when placing Orbx addons in their required layering position.

I suggest that you do the following test to see whether the problem lies with Orbx TE Florida, or whether there is a clash with another addon or that the layering in your scenery pack is not correct. We need to determine the cause of your unique anomalies.

Please do the following:

Rename you current Custom Scenery folder to Custom Scenery_Disabled.

Make a new folder called Custom Scenery.

Either cut and paste the 3 TE Florida files A/B/C into the new folder, along with Global Airports, OR and much quicker and simpler, make shortcuts to desktop of the mentioned files and then place those short cuts into the new Custom Scenery folder.

Run XP in Florida and exit.

Open the new scenery-packs.ini and ensure that Global Airports is on top followed by the 3 TE Florida files.

Go to a Florida airport and see if you still get the anomalies.

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HI Jon, 


Sorry it took a but to get back to you as I was working last night.    I have been messing around with this

sim and I did try what you suggested.  I did not see those types of squares or triangles but the blue haze

seems strong.  I have no idea what that is and it must be on my end.   i didn't use to have this and again

its only at real high altitude.   Do you run Lua Scripts ?  i have xvision and run a lua with xvisibility inside

of it.   just wondered if you did run lua's and you had these lines what do you have them set to ?


xvis_minFog_value = 0.6 --minimum fog value. Recommending values 0.0-1.0, default is 0.6
xvis_atmoTop_Fog = 1.5 --fog value after passing atmoTop_visibility
xvis_highAltFogMult = 0.75 --reduce to 0.5 or 0.25 if you feel the haze at higher altitude is too strong, default is 0.75


By the way I rearranged my stuff on Xorginzer and as you can see why the ini file only the 3 True Earth for Florida

and global airports are active.   Thanks for your time.

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I run Lua but only with a couple of scripts. Your problem could be with a Sky colour change or something similar in the Data Ref. You need to try and run it initially without X-Vision enabled and also with out Lua enabled or just remove the xvisibilty script and see what the results are. I tend to stay away from any additional Lua scripts associated with X-Vision as I ma more than happy with just the X-Vision xvs options alone.

Looking at the script lines you have posted, they all look like candidates for causing visual anomalies at altitude or conflicts.

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I first removed the X-Visibility script and it did for all purposes get rid of the haze effect and the anomalies.   Then I

put it back in and reduced those numbers and it gave me back a little haze in what you would normally see at altitude

with no anomalies.  So i have jotted down those numbers in my notes in case things get changed in the future.  You help

out a bunch of simmers all the time on these forums and I for one very much appreciate your time and your opinions Jon.

Thx again sir.


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Hey Jon, used your scenery_packs.ini reconfig and still ran into the blue texture issue. Will try the second option on my break from work. I work 12 hr shifts so limited time on the one day off. I did the Verify file option also. When I first installed this I bought the SD version 1st and saw no issues with same flight KEYW to KJAX. After upgrading to HD textures is where I first ran into problem. I might uninstall and also check and make sure the whole thing is removed before reinstalling.  I also saw where even when downgrading  back to SD version I noticed the ortho tiles have the  level 17 number on the texture files for the SD files. I wasn't sure if that was supposed to be the case. Thanks for your time and your awesome scenery. Waiting on Socal.




On 2/29/2020 at 12:20 AM, Jon Clarke said:

Having now fully recovered via extensive use of an oxygen tent, I have rearranged your scenery_packs.ini :lol:

As there is no indication of exactly where the pic you posted is taken from, i.e. coordinates or nearest airport and flight direction, it is hard to determine the anomaly's cause.

There were substantial potential causes due to incorrect layering which i have amended. One such issue was the layering of SFD Global which was above Global Airports and therefore had the possibility of overwriting some ground textures. You also have still got the 3 ortho4xp tiles enables as in my pic below which I doubt are causing an anomaly but could be disabled to test if they are.

 If the revised scenery_packs.ini does not remove the anomaly, I advise that you create a new folder called Custom Scenery. Rename the existing folder as Custom Scenery_DISABLED. Leave that folder in the XP directory along with the new Custom Scenery folder. Ipen the old Custom Scenery folder now labelled as Custom Scenery_DISABLED, and make short cuts for the 3 TE Florida files & Global Airports. Now run XP and exit and check that the newly created little scenery_packs.ini has Global Airports at the top and then TE Florida/Custom/Overlay/Orthos. The do a flight in the same area as your pic. Report back. If the anomaly is not there any more then you will know that it is another addon that is causing the problem. If it is still there, then run the Verify Files option for TE Florida.

Here's the revised scenery pack plus a pic of the nearby Ortho4xp files that I refer to above.

scenery_packs.ini 42.53 kB · 1 download



Thanks Jon will give that a try. Working all weekend.  Greatly appreciate your time and effort. You rock. 


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