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New Case Project


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Okay Gang, today I will be installing all of my flight sim PC components into a new CoolerMaster HAF 932 Case. I have been wanting this case ever since I first saw it, and I finally ordered one. It arrived two days ago, but I have a day off from work today, so its PC project time! For those that do not know of this particular case, she's a beaut...lots of cooling, space and those special extras that make working inside a PC case that much easier. Like the Antec Nine Hundred case that this CoolerMaster HAF 932 willbe replacing, the PSU mounts on the bottom as opposed to the top of the case. There are several other great cooling specs about the case that can be checked out here:


I purchased the case for $138 US and for those that don't know, excellent air flow inside and around your PC case makes all the difference when it comes to heat dissapation, especially when overclocking. It is something that is unfortuneatly overlooked by many though; a good case is not always as sexy as a new CPU or video card.

My Antec Nine Hundred, a great case in its own right that is a few years old now, will replace my server PC case. I will post some pics later, once I've got the project finished.

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Ok, as promised here are some pics. I am sorry for the bad quality of the pics.

This case was simply awesome to install PC components into. Everything about it was made to make installing components easier than ever before. First pic is the new CoolerMaster HAF case next to my old Antec Nine Hundred case to compare the size difference:

Posted Image

Here is the CoolerMaster HAF case empty, with the side panels off. Note the BIG side fan. There is one like that in the front of the case, and also on top:

[img width=933 height=700]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1270327790.jpg

The case has the option to mount your PSU in the top or the bottom. This pic shows the nice vents in the bottom for the PSU fan to blow out the heat:

[img width=933 height=700]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1270301230.jpg

Here is myy Ultra X3 1000w modular PSU installed. Also note the nice, large cable management openings around the case:

[img width=525 height=700]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1270278418.jpg

Motherboard, CPU, CoolerMaster V8 CPU Cooler and memory installed:

[img width=525 height=700]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1270263209.jpg

Back of the motherboard panel, showing the nice cutout behind the CPU. No more taking out the MB to replace a CPU Cooler:

[img width=933 height=700]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1270326552.jpg

Next pics shows the left over room in my Antec case for comparison with the left over room in the new CoolerMaster case:

[img width=525 height=700]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1270331798.jpg

[img width=525 height=700]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1270265816.jpg

I have 4 HDD's installed in the hard drive stack. They install into these neat little slide out racks, and go in with the back of the HDD facing the same side of the case as the back of the MB. Very easy to swap out HDD's this way. As you can see, an enormous amount of extra room in the HAF case! The large fans are nice and quiet too.

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