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Good evening, I am experiencing large black areas in my FTX Global scenery / Global Vector and openLC Europe. In the areas covered by TE GB south there are no problems.

I believe I have tried everything suggested by other people but of course I can't be sure.

I have deleted the Shaders folder, Unchecked frozen water and verified all the files in ORBX Central to no avail.

I admit to being uncertain about the scenery insertion points and suspect that may be where my problem lies. I have  no other scenery apart from ORBX so what should appear in the Orbx Airports and Regions window 'Inserted below' and Orbx global openlc window 'inserted below'  I have tried a few permutations and the moment 'Default Terrain' is showing in both

I have only recently installed P3D v4.5 again after awhile and can't remember if the problem was there before TE GB, I don't think it was

Thanks for your help

Terry Davies

PS Apologies if this request is incomplete, I have no idea what a Prefix / Tag is.

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Good evening, I am experiencing large black areas in my FTX Global scenery / Global Vector and openLC Europe. In the areas covered by TE GB south there are no problems.

I believe I have tried everything suggested by other people but of course I can't be sure.

I have deleted the Shaders folder, Unchecked frozen water and verified all the files in ORBX Central to no avail.

I admit to being uncertain about the scenery insertion points and suspect that may be where my problem lies. I have  no other scenery apart from ORBX so what should appear in the Orbx Airports and Regions window 'Inserted below' and Orbx global openlc window 'inserted below'  I have tried a few permutations and the moment 'Default Terrain' is showing in both

I have only recently installed P3D v4.5 again after awhile and can't remember if the problem was there before TE GB, I don't think it was

Thanks for your help

Terry Davies

PS Apologies if this request is incomplete, I have no idea what a Prefix / Tag is

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Hi Terry, welcome to the forums.


All of the Global and OpenLC products and the Orbx Libraries should be installed into the simulator root folder for best results, not a library folder separate from the simulator.


Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date, and I would do a verify files of them from within Orbx Central.


Then make sure Objectflow is installed and that there is only one instance of it as per the below topic.




I would then go to settings/help and run the Sync Simulator function.


 Then you can go to settings/Insertion Point and set them like this.

Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in Orbx Central Insertion points "Orbx Airports and Regions”, put your last non Orbx 3rd party listed in your scenery library addon in the INSERTED BELOW window.

Then for the "Orbx Global openLC” ensure the Orbx Airports and Regions are in the INSERTED BELOW window.

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Thanks a lot for the reply, I think I'd already tried most of what you suggest apart from the insertion points but there's no harm in doing it again to be sure and I'll certainly let you for someone elses benefit.


 I don't know whether it's anything to do with you directly but is there any way I can take advantage of the advertised True Earth GB bundle prices for Central and North if I already own South ? ORBX central is showing the full price.

Regards, Terry



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Apologies, just took another look at ORBX Central and seeing as  I haven't got any other 3rd party scenery products  where would you advise I place 'orbx airports and regions' ? I'm sure it's obvious to you but not to me I'm afraid.

Thanks again, Terry


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  • 1 month later...

Good evening, I thought I had this sorted after following your advice at the end of last year but after a couple of months away I attempted a flight to Newquay in Cornwall and discovered that although parked aircraft, autogen etc looked ok the actual runways, taxiways appeared to be 'buried' under Google Earth type scenery. I can only imagine P3D is displaying the scenery in the wrong order so here is my insertion settings in ftx central. I have no other scenery products and I have carried out the sync.


My (relevant) Products

Global Base, Vector and Open LC Europe

Under Orbx airports and regions

Top of scenery library

Under Orbx Global Open LC

Orbx airports and regions


Just to be completely clear, under Orbx airports and regions It reads, Top of scenery library, Sharurah, Bathymetry, various towns and continents, base numbers etc and the last 2 at the bottom are Default Scenery and Default Terrain.

Any ideas please

Regards, Terry

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Good evening, I thought I had this sorted after following your advice at the end of last year but after a couple of months away I attempted a flight to Newquay in Cornwall and discovered that although parked aircraft, autogen etc looked ok the actual runways, taxiways appeared to be 'buried' under Google Earth type scenery. I can only imagine P3D is displaying the scenery in the wrong order so here is my insertion settings in ftx central. I have no other scenery products and I have carried out the sync.


My (relevant) Products

Global Base, Vector and Open LC Europe

Under Orbx airports and regions

Top of scenery library

Under Orbx Global Open LC

Orbx airports and regions


Just to be completely clear, under Orbx airports and regions It reads, Top of scenery library, Sharurah, Bathymetry, various towns and continents, base numbers etc and the last 2 at the bottom are Default Scenery and Default Terrain.

Any ideas please

Regards, Terry

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