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ORBX with Xplane 11

Alan Tyrrell

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I seem to be having trouble with ORBX when I install it for X plane 11. Prior to the installation XP11 works very well. After installation XP11 crashes. I would like to know whether others are having this problem and is there a fix. The support forum at X Plane did after reading a log file, state that the problem was due to a plugin - the only plugin I had installed was ORBX.


Any help would be welcome.

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Hi thanks for getting back


These are my spec's. I currently operate X plane 11 (the latest download version) on my D/drive (see below). I have tried other drives including my current C/drive which is an SSD, but to no avail, same problem.


X plane works well, but only when ORBX is not loaded. Otherwise I get memory issues and XP11 crashes ( I kept my graphics settings very low, but even this did not help. X plane support refers to Addons and as mentioned, ORBX is the only Addon I had installed. 


I have deleted X plane for the time being ready to reinstall and try again. The last XP11 log file I read reported the crash during the loading of ORBX. Unfortunately this was lost when I deleted the programme.


I hope that this helps.













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for an otherwise reasonable strong system, I think you have, at 8 GB, too little RAM,

which almost certainly is the cause of your out of memory errors.

This can be remedied using a large swap file but tends to slow everything down to

unacceptable performance.

To have at least a chance of running X Plane 11 with an acceptable level of detail,

you will need at least another 8 GB.

Ideally, replace your 2 x 4 GB sticks with 2 x 8 GB sticks, at least.

4 x 8 GB sticks would be ideal if you can find them.

I am finding that DDR3 memory is now harder to find and generally more expensive than DDR 4.


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Thanks for this, also in my last post I forgot to mention that I have the following addons:

Global TerraFlora - Loaded

TrueEarth GB Central/North/South - Loaded

Manchester Airport – Not loaded

I will look at upgrading my memory, but it had been running previously OK. I'll see if it helps though.







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