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No Orbx product showing in P3DV4.5


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I did a fresh install of P3D V4.5


I then reinstall (library, global etc...) all of my Orbx product via ORBX central using default directory...


In P3D ,in scenery, there is no orbx product.


None of my airports are installed...



Where did I go wrong ?



Thank you.. i 'm a little bit disapointed..

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3 hours ago, jlp60280 said:

Where did I go wrong ?

Hello, welcome to the forums.

When you did your fresh install of P3D, was it to the same directory / location as previous ?

After install did you run P3D up to the Flight screen at least once, and close, before running Orbx Central ?

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Hi, Thx for your answer.


Yes , I installed in the same directory.

Yes I tested the fresh P3D install without any addon...


I finally managed to have my orbx products showing in the sim by doing a migration in Orbx Central. I also indicated the insertion point of Orbx products in the P3D sceneries management...


But I'm not confident in my install since I had to mess with Orbx Central. I spent the day reinstalling everything ....to end with a simulator I do not trust.


I'm really surprised that the new install of orbx product was not straightforward.


Can someone point me where I can check the order My Orbx products must be installed  in the sceney management of P3DV4.5 ?





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Hello Jean-Luc,

Orbx Central is indeed as easy and straightforward to use as it should be.

The Insertion Point function sets the Orbx entries into the correct order.

They should be set to "Airports and Regions" below the lowest of your other

addon products and open LC below that.


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19 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Jean-Luc,

Orbx Central is indeed as easy and straightforward to use as it should be.

The Insertion Point function sets the Orbx entries into the correct order.

They should be set to "Airports and Regions" below the lowest of your other

addon products and open LC below that.


Thank you Nick.


I think that one of my problem was related to the facts that when reinstalling P3D, the owner rights of the P3DV4 folder was not set as espected...(the user had no full access)...might be a clue ...


Q: Was moving the Orbx product to a dedicated folder (through Orbx central) a bad idea ?






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