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True Earth GB

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Ive had True Earth GB installed since before Christmas and never been able to get it working. Ive recently downloaded it again and moved it onto an external hard drive. When i run the sim (P3D v4) it doesn't show up in the scenery config at first but asks me if i shall enable it in which i say yes to. Once its enabled it shows up but nothing shows up in the sim. I have the global base pack installed and only that seems to be showing. Ive tried re-arranging it in the scenery config but nothing helps. Is there a certain place it should be or am i doing something wrong? 

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if there are 13 scenery library entries and they are all active, with no error messages generated by P3D,

then it must be installed.

The fact that P3D is asking you to activate the areas is also irrefutable evidence that all is well with the

installation, as least.

Can you show us what you are seeing in the simulator please?

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So i have here EGBB which should be implemented with True Earth Central i believe. i have a screenshot of over the airport and my scenery config within Lorby. Orbx is at the top of the config file and everything else is below. As you can see, it doesnt look like True Earth to me and am just wondering if im going wrong somewhere. The other screenshot is of london.





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I'm afraid your scenery library is a mess.
You have TE GB Central and South entries appearing twice. One set activated, another not.

Lorby's P4AO prefers keeping the 'add-on.xml' scenery entries (dark green or dark red) separate from the 'Scenery.cfg' entries (light green or light red).
I would personally delete all of your TE GB install and start again, with entries as the Scenery.cfg type.

Additionally, you should have all 3rd party (non-Orbx) scenery at a higher priority than the Orbx airports and 'regions' and then the Orbx OLC.

In Orbx Central, my insertion point of 'Orbx Airports and Regions' is below my lowest priority 3rd party airports.
My insertion point of 'Orbx Global openLC' is below my photo scenery (which is of a lower priority than Orbx regions, either TE or landclass ones).

Here's how my scenery library looks:

Top - https://i.imgur.com/gNtASlD.jpg

Point where .xml entries meet Scenery.cfg entries - https://i.imgur.com/SOGfaoD.jpg


Orbx airports and regions insertion point - https://i.imgur.com/jLY6Zzd.jpg


More Orbx - https://i.imgur.com/mx8fdKt.jpg (regions should automatically appear below airports)


Orbx OLC insertion point - https://i.imgur.com/IXMjbh5.jpg


Bottom - https://i.imgur.com/jDfdtva.jpg (I put 3rd party mesh below Orbx, but above the default P3D scenery entries)



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