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Speckled ground texture

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I run P3D v4.5 under Windows 10 and with Orbx Global and ESSA scenery. I recently reinstall all my Orbx files into an external library (outside P3D). My first flight EKCH-ESSA seemed to confirm that the new installation was fine, however, when I landed on runway 26 Årlanda (evening flight) the runway and taxiways were speckled, like heavy rain bouncing off the tarmac. I reinstalled ESSA and tried a day flight from Gate 17. The speckled tarmac was still there. I also noted that the upper surface of the pushback vehicle was speckled. GSX is being used here as well as REX Worldwide Airports. Can you explain this and how to correct the problem. It was not there before I did the reinstall of Orbx.


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I enclose two takes on landing Runway 26 ESSA and on the taxiway. The speckling doesn't look to bad on a stationary shot but in motion it gives the appearance of rain drops bouncing off the tarmac. It is much better when the underlying surface is concrete.




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