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Quantam River Airport poor framerate


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I recently bought your addon Quantam River. I wonder if you are going to add some sort of config for this scenery where one can reduce the number of objects/vegetation. Or if there is something wrong with it in total. I have tried to fly with minimum world object settings but I still get very poor performance, like 24-60 fps up and down.


I have tried to "hack" the lod'ing to a minimum between 50-100 on all .obj and .for files so it was poping up objects really close to the "camera". But still the same fps. It is impossible to land, and almost impossible to take of.


I do get 60 fps on all other Orbx airports(except London City) and with TrueEarth addons with High settings in World Objects.(Washinton HD, Oregon SD and Great Britain)


I really hope there is an fix for this since it seems fun to land there.

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Im sorry to say, but I starting to get some Carenado vibes with Orbx. Either under-staffed or they only want to release new stuff and forget about the bugs(There are also some major texture issues with Anacorte airport/Washington TrueEarth with ugly big blocks in the ocean) :(

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Hi guys, Sorry to hear you are having these issues.


If you could provide me with a screenshot of your in-game graphics settings when loaded in to the scenery and just an overall list of your PC's components i will try to see what can be done :) 


Cheers, Karl

PropStrike Studio

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Hi Karl,


Sorry I just turned off my PC(Sim computer). But I did test with lowest settings on World detail and medium settings on Texture, AA to minimun and the step below HDR in quality. But the issue was the same. Thats when started to "hack" the files so the lod was very low. All scripts disabled and also enabled, but that did not help. I also tried the default Cessna and the mod by PropStrike.


Normally I have HDR, 2xAA + FFXX(?), High on Texture(step below uncompressed) High on World Objects(Have a script the auto lods from a distance). In some scenarios I have occupied about 17GB Vram but still 60 fps, for example Shoreham, Cardiff, Anacortes, Kors and Darrington(Orbx). This with TrueEarth(Orbx), I do get some minor stutter when Vram and Ram swaps(or HDD) but this is minor and understandable, and does not affect the overall fps of 60 fps. Quantam is much lower on Vram, about 5Gb with this settings if I remeber. I don't have any other things in this area, so it is just Quantam River + Autogen.


My specs are:

Intel i9 9900K @4.6ghz(or 5Ghz)

32Gb Ram @ 3200Mhz

SSD's Samsung m2

nVidia RTX 2070 8GB Vram

Windows 10 @ 1440p(and in game)


Video with my ordinary settings as mentioned above but with World Object set to Max at Cardiff airport(Orbx) @ 60fps minus some minor stutter.(below)


*Forgot to mention that I have reflection set to minimum always. Reflections are ugly and very demanding on fps.






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Hi again!


I turned off AA completely, world objects to Low(with minimum there is no objects or trees at all) then I get 60fps. The AA seems to be a big issue with the objects/texures here. FXAA works but not multisampling. But that I can live with, easy to toggle without reloads. BUT there is an extreme stutter. Look at this video below. It is 60fps but the stutter is very extreme and skips serveral frames(time) ahead. Unflyable, and unlandable! :)


Also attached screenshots for the settings at Quantam(before turned down AA) 




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Hi again Magnus,


Yea antialiasing seems to be more heavy in sceneries with a lot of transparent textures such is the foliage used for our sceneries so glad that helped with the fps. Regarding the stutters the only thing i can think of is VRAM usage. I see X-Plane is using 7.3 GB out of your total of 8 so it might be possible that while actually flying around this starts to hit its limits but of course i can't be sure. Do the stutters reduce if you turn down the texture quality?


Cheers, Karl

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Hi Karl,


I do have over 16gb occupied Vram out of 8gb when flying over GreatBritain TrueEarth(Orbx) and for example over Shoreham(Orbx) See image. I don't have those problems there though. But I'm going to try to lower the texture size and see. 


Cheers for now. :)



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Hi again Karl,


I just tried again this time with medium on texture and low on world detail. It is the same unfortunally. The Vram was this time 3.1gb of 8gb. :(


It feels like there is some object or something that is doing it. I also disabled the "Trafiic control" things by removing them from the plugin folder, but did not help either. 




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I am honestly not sure here guys. I have tried to reproduce the stuttering but can only achieve it by overloading the VRAM usage. I developed and run this scenery with 8GB ram, an i5-3350P CPU and a GTX1050TI so a lot less powerful PC than yours. Although i don't run it at 60 FPS like you i don't have any micro stutters or pauses. I will keep testing and see if i can find out why it is happening.




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I have tried all possible settings now. Everything set to minimum except World Detail. And it still stutters like this. When I set World Detail to minumum as well, the whole scenery is like gone, but then the stutter disappears, but there is like no point of flying there like that. :/ :)


I also tried with HT on again, and also deleted the shader cache and preferences folders just to make sure. (I think it is saved in Prefs how many cores that is used). But no luck.


Your other free scenery, Machmell Fisheries work though.





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