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No trees again

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Hi Nick


Hope you are doing fine


It happens that I have no trees again in 0S9


I installed Fairbanks and Anchorage by Aerosoft and all FLY Tampa's


So I don't know which is to blame but I bet on Aerosoft


The strangest thing is that I uninstalled them all and the issue remains


I verified the files of Global base pack,m trees and OLC NA and the issue remains


What can be causing this?


If the sceneries are gone all should work fine...


If I reinstall the content and scenery would the other 3rd pty addons and Orbx be affected? the texture folder, world scenery, effects?





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Hi Nick


I wonder if you could explain this to me


As I lost my trees again, I uninstalled all Fly Tampa's and both Aerosoft sceneries, as I suspected one of those could be causing an issue,, even thought I've had installed them before with no issues


Then run the sim and no trees... If the issue was supposed to be caused the the 3rd pty addons how is it that without them I still had no trees....?


Well, I thought, maybe it requires a "refresh", so verified the files of Global , trees and NALC, and runt he sim and guess what? NO trees


Uninstalled the content and scenery, again

Verified the files of Global, trees, OLCNA & libraries again

Run the sim and voila, I had trees....


Then started to think this could be a Central doing again, so I tested 0S9 every single time after I installed a 3rd pty add-on to see if I steel had the trees.

The worst thing is that 0S9 takes 6 minutes to load, such a simple airport, so 6 minutes for 16 times add 96 wasted minutes.


After having installed Fairbanks, Anchorage, and all 14 Fly Tampa's sceneries I still have the trees. So they were not causing the deforestation.


What was the problem them? I'm really tired of this to happen


Do you have an explanation, please?





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Hi Nick

Sorry for my late reply


I installed Fairbanks and Anchorage and both bring a compatibility tool with Orbx as follows:







This is PANC folder




And its scenery bgls




This is PAFA folder




And its scenery bgls







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Hi NIck


After hours of hours and also days I finally  identified Skiathos as the scenery that makes Orbx trees disappear


I wonder why I had missing trees in 0S9 ( Washington state) is Skiathos is in Greece, so far away


I believe it must be their autogen folder


Now how can I make it work without causing this disgusting deforestation? I really like the scenery but I don't know how to make it work without causing  a mess


I'll send you a private message




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