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No files available for EGJA

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I just bought EGJA, and in FTX Central it now correctly shows it as 'Not Installed' (ie available).

However when I go into the scenery to install it, a message says 'There are no files available for this product'.


I did try a manual download as well, but that has to be done via FTX central. FTX Central gives no option to do a manual install of .c4 files either.


The only acknoledgement I got from Orbx was transaction ID / receipt number is 5df9e09c85bc4.


How can I install this product?




Kind regards,




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Hello Nick. Thanks for getting back to me. {After I submitted a support ticket, I found this post). 


I considered upgrading to ORBX central this afternoon but shortly after the install started, I realised there was insufficient disc space on my C drive or P3DV4 designated ' D' drive to  install the new version of the libraries,  so I cancelled the install. I have more than 60 Orbx products already installed in my P3Dv4 / orbx folder which amount to 372GB . I have space on a slow removable drive. Had I known that having ORBX central installed was a condition for Alderney to work I would not have purchased it. Can you advise me on the best course of action. please. Could you please also  advise me  whether or not  Orbx central uses any of the previously installed ORBX files or are the files downloaded to a new library. Does the new Orbx Central delete the previous versions from within the sim.


Thanks  Rob

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Hello Rob,

all you have to do is install Orbx Central, it can then be used to manage all your installed products.

You do not have to install them, reinstall them, move them or modify them in any way at all and you

will be able to install your recent purchase as well.

You may well need to set your Insertion Point again but that is all.


Once you have installed it, it might be worthwhile to spend a few minutes reading the user guide,

which you will find at the Open tab under the User Guide text on the Help page.

If you prefer not to install Orbx Central straight away, then you can also read the user guide here.


By the way, there is a link marked Get Central on every Orbx Direct page and this text on every

Orbx Direct product page, the words "Orbx Central" are also a link to the installer.




You will need Orbx Central to download and install this product. Orbx Central runs on Windows 7+, macOS and Linux. An internet connection is also required.



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Hello Nick, Thanks again for getting back to me.


      I am taking your advice and have installed ORBX central and am updating my products accordingly.. I saw a previous post of yours advising someone to keep both  FTX Central and Orbx central until he is familiar with the new software. I am going to do the same..


Regards   Rob

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Hello Nick


     I thought I would give you an update on my Alderney problem. After installing Orbx centra,l it told me there were updates for several products that FTX had not been seeing. I spent all day yesterday updating them and on the first boot  of the sim found my scenery library has been totally messed up. I had read the guide as you suggested and have done just about everything other posts have reported , including setting the insertion point below my last add on and the open LC as well. I have re synced the sim, I have ticked / un ticked the legacy layer button. I kept FTX central for a short while, but even though all my products were reported up to date by Orbx, central FTX central reports they need updating so I uninstalled it. I I find myself in a position that I can only fly with orbx scenery, or generic airports where my add ons should be. Basically,. even though , I tell Orbx central where to insert the layers  somehow it moved my add ons further done where they should be so they are not seen. I even have FTX layers mixed in around the add ons in my scenery list. As a last resort I have got FTX central again and am re downloading TE GB south and others again.



  Any help would be appreciated... Thanks Rob


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If this helps this is an example of my messed up scenery config.


The only solution I have found so far is to reinstall my scenery that is in my P3dv4 add ons `folder of which there are many





Screenshot (3).png

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Hi Nick,


I have tried both. I checked Alderny was present and have flown Southampton to Alderney  and on landing this is what I saw. The scenery was sunken around the airport, buildings floating in the air, and generic scenery was in use and not the new product. As a point of interest. Yesterday, I fully updated Orbx central.  I then checked with FTX central earlier and that said Vector, Global, Dubrovnik and others needed updating. I did that and my sim is still naff, After landing, I checked Orbx and it now1642056537_Screenshot(5).thumb.png.b871d7236df4809d2f904365eb756caf.pngc central and that now tells me, the files I spent all day yesterday updating need updating again. I give up, I have spent all afternoon reinstalling my add ons and find UK2000 are ok  and that is it. There is not even a mention of Alderney  in my scenery library. Orbx central has mixed up its files in between my add ons. Following other comments, my plan is to use Orbx central to install new products only. 

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Would you believe, Orbx central reports all files are up to date and now FTX central reports several products need updating again. It is like a merry go round.  I really wish I hadn't bothered buying Aldreney. !

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1 hour ago, robwin said:

It is like a merry go round.

Hello robwin

Unfortunately you are creating that merry go round by running both Orbx Central and then FTX Central.

Orbx Central with all scenery loaded into the sim folder ( as FTX Central does ) poses no problems at all, with your scenery insertion points set correctly.

Problems have occured with the opportunity to set up external libraries that were eagerly tried early on for various reasons, space etc, by many, but taken too far, Global base still needs to be in the sim folder, amongst others, those things are steadily being ironed out.

For Orbx Central you will have created a library point for Object Flow, running FTX Central it will create another Object Flow in Documents - P3D Addons, these will clash = No Object Flow.

I personally have still got my FTX Central installed, and decline for Orbx Central to uninstall it, but use Orbx Central to do all the work, if on the odd occasion I do want to cross reference something on FTX Central, I check and delete any entry in Documents - P3D Addons, any updates it shows in FTX Central are ignored.

Once you are sorted you will really enjoy Alderney :)

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Thanks Smudger. Seasons greetings..  When you say you delete any entry in documents p3d add ons, which file are you looking at.  I have 78 add ons there.I have this odd thing where I tell orbx central where my insertion point is and yet it mixes some ftx scenery layers amongst them as per my screen shot.  Would it help if I uninstall Orbx central and start again.  ?


 Thanks Rob

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Hello Rob,

No need to uninstall Orbx Central, it would not acheive anything.

Do an Insertion reset with Orbx Central with 3rd party software above Orbx Regions and Open LC below them, that should work out correctly. Do not open FTX Central.

If it is not correct then in your situation I would use Lorbi-Si P3Dv4 Addon organiser found at http://www.lorby-si.com/downloads.html

This enables you to be able to move any parts of the scenery up or down, xml or otherwise, where it may be locked in P3D scenery list. Be sure to SAVE when done.

This also enables you to view the P3Dv4 scenery order at any time without starting P3Dv4.

Very important is to remember to Right click the Desktop icon and select Run as Administrator.

The pic shows where the FTX Central Orbx Object folder would be in Documents - P3Dv4 Addons = red line.



Orbx Object Flow.jpg

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Thanks again. I will get that software. I just  had a brainwave and moved my insertion point up one to the last but one add on. Hey presto it all works. I have just flown around all three channel Isands and Alderny is superb. Guernsey and Jersey  look bland in comparison and have creeping tiles following me as I fly over. That's a problem for another day. At least I have a working   sim now


Regards Rob

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